#12 Bruno

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"Where were you?" Sara smiles to the redhead while she's with Mark and Milenka.

"I was at the library." Answers Melissa.

"You're flushed." Milly notices with malice.

"Hum.. I knew you were waiting for me, so I started running." Melissa informes her without enthusiasm.

At the distance, Melissa notices Dominic giggling with his friends. A contagious laugh with a sound that tickles her neck. She smiles involuntarily at the ground.
Milenka seems to notice that. She felt it, felt the sudden attraction of Melissa to her brother. And that doesn't please her very much. Milly fears for her new friend.

Mark is a very studious and considerate young man, most often stays in the library studying or reading. Milenka also loves literature and poetry. So Milly asked Melissa to stay with Mark for the rest of the day and Sara promised to stay with Melissa so she would not feel alone.

Some minutes later, Sara and Melissa hear cheerleaders laugh as the football players appear in the hallway. There they are, the kings of Dimitri Island's college. The ones that make the District proud. Melissa doesn't like athletes just like those. She can't hide it. Sara knows everyone, and this time Bruno stops near the girls.

"Hello there! What do we have here?"

Melissa thinks to herself:
"God! Another annoying prince!"

Sara replies:
"Hello Bruno! This is Melissa. She is..."

He interrupts:
"New to college. I know. If I had seen you, I would never forget such a butt. Nice bottom you have there."

Melissa is red with fury. But before she can say anything, Sara sighs:
"Bruno ... She's living with the Darkovs."

"Seriously??? It can not be!!!"

Melissa sees terror in his eyes and takes advantage of it.
"Yes it's true. They are ... peculiar."

"And you sleep between them? With your eyes closed?" Bruno is terrified.

Melissa wants to laugh, but she holds back and when she does, there's an arm over her shoulder. It is Dominic.
"Hey! Bruno! Anything you want to tell my girl?" Dominic asks.

Melissa is going to stop with all that drama, but she remembers that it is better to have one cocky guy after her than two so she says nothing.

"Your girl? No, I... No, I wasn't... Sorry, we really need to go to class."

Bruno quickly disappears through the hallways and Sara seems to have seen a ghost in Dominic.

Melissa laughs and punches Dominic in the chest.
"That is enough. Since when have I been your girl?"

"Don't stress out. I was saving you." Dominic is serious.

"Thanks! But now that I'm safe from him, who will save me from you?"

"Mel, listen ... I was just trying to help. This guy is an abuser. He is full of himself and dangerous. Sara knows that."

Sara cannot move, she's too paralyzed by the boy's special gaze. So Melissa looks at the prince again.
"Okay. I'll ask her when she gets to normal. You gotta stop this vampire drama. People can literally die just because of your gaze."

"What if I really am a vampire?"

"Of course you are! Have you thought about visiting a psychologist? I can schedule an appointment for you."

"Mel ... Mel ... You want to believe that I'm not a vampire so you can fall in love with me without fear. Admit it."

Melissa's mouth drops open with incredibility. He continues:

"Do not worry little toy, I'll try to resist the urge to hunt you down. Before eating, I like to play with my food."

At this moment Sara faints.
"Did you see what you do to people?"

He laughs and helps Melissa wake her friend.

"You're crazy! She fainted because of you."

"Melissa, I'm sorry. It was not my intention. I was just kidding."

"Jokes have consequences! Don't you understand that it's not all about playing with toys, with ... with ... silly fangs and vampires. Get out of here and please grow up."

Dominic suddenly feels very sad and leaves, however, before leaving college, he asks a school nurse to check on Sara's condition.

When the first day of school ends. Melissa notices that it is difficult for Milly to be apart from Mark. Melissa doesn't say anything.

When they get home, Maxim is waiting anxiously.
"How did it go?"

The young princess replies:
"Great. I love the university. I loved the classes. I loved everything."

"I'm really glad about it." The man smiles tenderly.

Melissa refrains herself from asking about Dominic and goes to take a shower to freshen up. Milly says she would do the same, too.

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