#16 Just Dominic

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Photo by reza shayestehpour on Unsplash

Melissa is reading a very romantic novel and is thinking about the characters. She can not understand what is it that everyone likes about that novel. And specifically on that day! That day was like an obscure shadow in her life.
Melissa can't concentrate. Sometimes she wants to cry. Other times, she just wants to be on the street watching others living their lives. When she reads that book, remembers the past that she can't resolve. She feels someone knock on the door.


"Hi, my lovely toy! I returned!" It's Dominic.

"I'm sorry I can't welcome you with a round of applause and loud screams." Melissa says without taking her eyes off the book.

He comes closer and sits down on the bed next to her. She narrows her eyes at him.

"This is my bed. I do not want a guy like you sitting here."

"Wow! We're really feisty today. I like it! What is the problem? Don't you want me to sleep with you? That's a shame. I'm a good sleeping companion."

Melissa pushes him and he falls off the bed.

"Yeah, I deserved this one." He admits, putting his elbows on the bed and watching her closely.

Some minutes later, Melissa starts to feel hotter because his eyes are watching her closely.

"Don't you have anything else to do now that you've arrived?"

"I didn't have a toy for more than three weeks. I missed you."

She looks at him with an angry look.

"I love the fury of your beauty." Dominic smiles.

She does not respond and puts the book back in front of her so she does not see the prince.

"What are you reading? Oh! Is it a spicy novel?"

"You have nothing to do with it."

"And are there pictures?" Dominic takes the book from her and sees some pages.

Melissa jumps out of bed more and more upset and shouts at him:

"I'm going to look for your brother. At least he's gentle. And he doesn't call me a toy or a prey and ... and ... respects me."

Dominic is really amused and puts himself in front of her.

"My beautiful, little, little thing, I was just joking. You can read whatever you want. But ... Did you know that maybe you do not trust boys because of what you read? In these books men are always perfect and always end up changing their terrible attitudes. They end up married and have children and dogs and cats. They end up living in a castle with extinct dragons that don't spit fire."

"It is not because of books that I do not trust men." Melissa takes the book from his hands and takes a deep breath. "But with that observation, I understand you like fantasy books. To live out of reality, eh? Then, the reality is not as passionate and irresistible as the little prince wants to paint ..."

Dominic loses his amused smile and gets more upright, which makes him even taller and more impressive. Melissa had always been a little short, but she feels even smaller when Dominic tries to look at her, hunched over her, as if he wants to kiss her. Melissa feels a chill down her spine, the worst of it being that she feels it is a good shiver.

"Well ... It's true. Not everything ends with a Happy Ever After." He admits, making Melissa a little uncomfortable. "Ever since my parents died I've been trying to be very busy with other things, just so I can't think about them. If you think hard, you get depressed."

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