Chapter 16

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"We all make mistakes." ~ Flawless Mya

Chapter 16: A Blessing or A Lesson?

Candy had been at her grandma's for a while now and still failed to tell her why she was crying when she first called.

Candy was enjoying her stay there. Her grandma was a big help when it came to the kids. She even let Candy sleep in a couple of mornings.

She just saw how exhausted Candy looked when she first got there. She knew how Candy could over work herself and not give herself time alone or time to relax at the end of the day.

She was always on the move. If wasn't with the kids ,then it was Kang and if it wasn't him ,it was on of the many businesses she was running. Hers and Kangs.

She loved to please people. She was a people pleaser.

Right now she was cuddled in the bed with her kids watching Frozen. Candy was loving the family time she was getting with them.

The door creeped open and Candy grandma peeked her head in the room.

"Candy." She called.

"Yes." Candy answered.

"Come talk to me." She said.

"Can it wait til later grandma?" She asked.

"Meet me in my room in 5 minutes." Her grandma said then walked out.

Candy shook her head. Her grandma can be a push over sometimes. She looked down at deshaun who was sleeping right in front of her. Amir was laying on her butt and Anita was on her feet. All asleep.

She chuckled to herself. They told her they could hang and watch movies all night with her. They clocked out an hour into the first movie.

Candy carefully got out the bed, making sure she didn't wake any of the kids up.

Once she was successfully out the bed she headed to her grandma room.

She got in her grandma room and sat on the bed. Her grandma had her back turned to her messing with something.

"Pour yourself a cup of wine." Her grandma said turning around.

"I shouldn't be drinking right now." Candy said remembering why she came up here in the first place.

"You pregnant." Her grandma said more as statement then a question.

Candy looked at her grandma shocked.

How did she know? Candy questioned herself.

"Fix ya face child." Her grandma said sitting on the love seat in her room.

She looked at Candy then sipped her wine. She didn't know when this child was going to learn.

"Grandma." Candy started. She took a deep breathe and shook her head.

It was more to the story.She felt like usher cause it was a part 2 to her confession.

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