Chapter 7 : Dirty Secrets

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The full moon is calling, the fever is high
And the wicked wind whispers and moans
You got your demons, you got your desires
Well, I got a few of my own ¶
2 am Irene's Island
"You bastard, I told you to just drug her and bring her here. I did not order you to beat the crap out of her" Suho curses angrily at Baekhyun after he brings Jennie who looks beaten and naked "Control your yourself Baekhyun or the next time I won't be so merciful".

Baekhyun doesn't respond to him and just nods with a small smirk on his face.

It's midnight and Irene exits the house and walks to nearby warehouse. She walks inside to what looks like a laboratory.

"Hoseok, i hope Suho informed you of the material I need" Irene asks a man dressed in a lab coat working with chemicals.

"Oooo heee heee heee, he most certainly did Lady Irene and i have made the stuff you need. This is probably my best creation, I can't wait to see its affect on human subjects" He jumps around laughing crazily.

Irene's face lights up with happiness after hearing him "Wonderful, then prepare your stuff and bring it to the main house. I'll be waiting for you" Irene orders him as she leaves the lab.

As Irene approaches the entrance door she is greeted by Suho who informs her that Jennie is lying unconscious in a separate room.

"As you ordered, she is here and the effects of the drugs will soon wear off" Suho tells her.

"Good, and how about my precious little Taehyung how's he doing" She inquires from him.

"Well given the amount of drug I gave him, he should also be waking up in a few minutes" Suho says smiling.

As they are talking Hoseok walks in carrying a bag smiling at both of them.

"Everything you will need is here lady Irene" Hoseok tells her as he bows his head "Can I see the subject now".

"Yeah, of course"

As Suho takes the both of them to a room where Jennie is unconscious Irene tells him to tie her to a chair and bring her to Taehyung's room but cover her face with a cloth so he can't see her. Suho nods as Irene leaves for Taehyung's room.

Irene slowly approaches the sleeping Taehyung, and she tries to wake him up but the drugs are still effective.
So she goes and calls Sehun and Baekhyun both to wake him up and ties his hands and legs to the bed.

"You didn't tie him before, why now" Sehun asks.

"Because I have a feeling he's gonna throw a tantrum tonight" Irene says smirking.

Once everything is setup, everyone stands in Taehyung's room. Suho, Baekhyun, Hoseok and Sehun, along with Irene and an unconscious Taehyung and Jennie.

"OK I've been standing here for 10 minutes now can anyone of you assholes wake these little shits up" Irene says as she looks at them all "I need to get my beauty sleep".

So Sehun and Baekhyun both go and shake Taehyung and slap him a little, not too much but enough that he starts to open his eyes slowly.

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