Chapter 23 : The First Touch

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¶ You say I'm a dreamer
We're two of a kind
Both of us searching
For some perfect world
We know we'll never find
So perhaps I should leave here
Yeah, yeah, go far away
But you know that there's nowhere
That I'd rather be
Than with you here today ¶
Joohyun pov

I slowly opened my eyes, as I was awakened by a rather enchanting dream. And I wasn't expecting to see the person in my dream in front of me.

For a few seconds, I was just lost in thought as I stared at his beautiful face and his perfect features.

My God, what are you doing to me Taehyung. Why am I being pulled towards you more and more each passing moment.

Wait a second, why the hell is he in my bed and why are sleeping together. With one swift movement,i quickly jumped from the bed and stood up.

Did we sleep together last night? Well judging by how happy his sleeping face looks, I can only assume he liked it.

What the hell Joohyun, did I seriously have a one night stand with Taehyung.

I quickly ran out the room but stopped in my tracks as the memories of yesterday came back to me.

"He-hello, hello is anyone here. You better not pull something, cause my boyfriend is here and he's gonna kick your ass if you do"

I really don't know why I said boyfriend, but I just wanted to get my message across if the person from last night was still here.

I slowly inspected each corner of the apartment until finally I was relaxed knowing that I was safe.

"Oww" I winced from the pain that started from my feet, man that looks bad. Running barefoot is not something I'd recommend.

Now I need to figure out why Taehyung is here and what happened last night. I slowly went back into the room being as quiet as possible.

But I was surprised because as I entered the room, I noticed Taehyung was missing. I started to worry as I entered the room in a hurry.

"Taehyung, where are you. Hey Taeh-" I was cut off as a strong hand pulled me and the next thing I found myself in the embrace of Kim Taehyung.

Our faces a few inches apart with his hands around my wrist. And my God, I felt my heart burst out of my chest.

What happened to him last night.

"Tae--Taehyung what are you doing, I'm a little uneasy in this situation you know" I barely made my point as I was stuttering like hell.

But he just stared at me with a small yet sexy grin on his face as he came closer and closer until whispering in my ear.

"Is my Bae worried about her 'Boyfriend'".

Holy crap I almost fainted when his soft breath hit my ear. And how did he hear that.

"Oh about that, im-im sorry. I-i was just trying to make sure we were safe. And we're sa-safe now so you can let go" I said as I stared down because I couldnt look at him right now, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to resist myself if I did.

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