The best day ever with Chris

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I fluttered my eyes open and gazed around the room which wasn't my room or anywhere in the o2l house, but then I remembered that the boys were on tour from today and I was staying in casa de Meghan, David and Joey until they come back.

I remember falling asleep on the couch while Meghan and I watch some anime. I looked to see Meghan cuddling with a pillow. This made me giggle at the sight of her, with her messy hair and her baggy t-shirt (which was actually David's) that was draped off one shoulder as she slept.

I grabbed my phone off the table to check the time. Finding out it was nine I got off the couch and stretched before dragging my feet into the kitchen to grab a bowl of cereal. I assumed Joey was already up since the remainders of his everyday breakfast was by the kitchen sink.

After grabbing a bowl of cereal I walked back into the sitting room and sat down using the remote to turn on the television. When I found a good enough station I place the remote down and began to eat. I heard movement from upstairs and after a few minutes David came down in a tank top and basket ball shorts,

"Morning David." I smiled as he saw me sitting down, "Morning Rachel, how did you sleep?" He asks as he too grabbed himself a bowl of his own cereal, "Grand, my necks a bit sore but that's my own fault." I shrug, "David?" I suddenly ask as he sits beside me, "Yeah?" He answers turning his head, "Would you help me pick out an outfit after? I'm meeting up with my... friend and I don't know what to wear." I say hopefully, "Sure girl! When you meeting up?"

He asks, "I'm meeting him at twelve." I say immediately face palming myself, "Oh it's a boy!?" He asks amused, "Shhhh, don't wake Meghan." I say trying to distract him from the conversation but he just smirks, "After breakfast we'll go up to the spare room kay?" He asks I nod and thank him finishing my cereal.

It didn't take long to find the right out for today. I went to the bathroom and changed into my band tee, sleeveless denim jacket and grey ripped denim shorts along with my red converse.

I checked the time to see it was turning twenty to twelve, "I'm gonna head now." I announce running down the stairs, "Hey Rae, where you going?" Meghan asks me curiously,

"She's going on a date!" David shouts from the top of the stairs, "It's not a date!" I shout back at him, "I'm meeting up with my friend Chris, I swear I'll be back before five at the latest." I promise, "Do you have your purse, camera and phone?" She asks, I nod and wave goodbye leaving the house.

I arrived at Starbucks five minutes early so I decided to grab me and Chris a seat while I waited. I entered the place and was immediately breathing in the scent of coffee and pastries. I grabbed a table near the back where it was less crowded and waited for Chris to arrive.

Ten minutes past and he still wasn't here, did he forget? just as I was about to get up and leave Chris entered through the doors and looked around. when his eyes met mine he sighed with relief walking over and sitting down, "I'm sorry I'm late, I had to finish so chores and when I was about to text you to explain my phone died." He said showing me his phone.

"It's okay." I smiled understandingly. "So, want to grab a drink and walk around the park?" He asks pointing to the counter. I nod and both of us make our way over there to get our drinks.

"You know you really didn't have to pay for my drink." I say as I sipped on my chocolate frappe. "I know, but I wanted to." He says while the two of you walked through the deserted park. Most children and their families were at the playground.

We sat down on a dry part of grass and began to talk, "So, how's Trevor?" He asks while finishing his drink, "He's grand, him and the boys are gone on tour since this morning, they were all so excited." I smile remembering the looks on their faces. "That's cool." He states, "So who are you staying with?" He asks curiously.

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