Revenge is Sweet but sometimes it Hurts You More Part 1

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*A/N I know a lot of you probably wanted to kill me for last chapter so here's a new chapter that might confuse you or might make you want to hate Chris more... enjoy!*

The girls and I have been practicing all week, Hadley helped me create an amazing song that I know will leave the audience speechless and me, Kirsten and Ashley have choreographed an awesome dance to it as well! We told Jett and Jackson everything and they promised to make sure Chris will be there when we performed. At the moment Hadley and I were lounging in my room, reading our books, Hadley had finished Divergent and was now on Insurgent. I would've been finished Paper Towns by now but I can't seem to concentrate on it, Hadley must have noticed that I was frustrated by this because she closed over her book and walked over to me taking my book out of my hands and closing it with the bookmark on the page I was reading.

"Let's go downstairs and hang out with the guys." She offers helping me off the bed, I nod in agreement and we both race each other downstairs, All the boys were here except for Trevor, him mom called him home to do some chores and to get ready for tonight. "Hey Rachel, Hadley." Ricky nods when he sees us come down the stairs, "Hey Ricky, how's everything?" Hadley asks starting a conversation, I look at the ground and think about what's going to happen later on, I'm so bloody nervous.

"Rachel!" Hadley gently pushes me forcing me to look up at her, "You okay?" She asks in worry, I nod, I really wasn't but I didn't want to say that, I have to stay strong, not for Hadley, or the boys, or Kirsten or Chris, I need to be strong for myself, no one else. "Uh yeah, as I was saying, unfortunately, me, Kian, Jc and Sam can't come tonight to support you, we were lucky to even get Connor and Trevor going, it's stupid I know and I'm sorry but tours coming up-". I shake my head stopping him, "Its not stupid, you have amazing fans and they want to meet you, it's only a talent show anyway, its nothing important." I sigh, I was really wishing I could have all the boys there for support. Well at least Connor and Trevor will be there.

Ricky looked like he was about to say something but then stopped himself, letting the awkward silence continue on, "Can I go to Ashley's, we want to practice as much as possible before the show starts." I explain, Ricky nods.

After going back upstairs and slipping on my runners and grabbing my bag me and Hadley leave the house and I call Ashley to let her know we're coming. We finally reach her house and Kirsten is already there. They were out the back practicing the dance, I joined them and we practiced for three hours and then Ashley's mom dropped us off at the school.

We ran into the school and met up with Jett and Jackson backstage, I handed Jackson the CD that had the song on it and he ran to give it to the sound guy. "Are you nervous?" Jett questions, I nod, "Im shitting myself." I admit jokingly, "Aww Rae." He mutters bringing me into a friendly hug, the hug was warm and calming, I closed my eyes and slowed my breathing before I released from the hug, I think Jett knew I felt better after that.

"Ugh, hey." I heard someone say from behind me, I clenched my hands into tight balls before turning around to face Chris, "Hi Chris, are you ready for tonight?" I ask in a overly happy tone, it was obviously fake though, but Chris didn't catch on as he smiled and nodded, "Yeah, I'm pretty excited, you?" He asks, I nod in response, 'just hurry up and Leave already'. He looked at me in confusion and then walked off, I glanced around at everyone, Jett, Jackson(who just came back.), Ashley, Kirsten and Hadley all tried to suppress their giggles and laughs until Chris left and they burst out laughing. My eyes widened in realisation, making the guys erupt into even louder laughter, "I, I said that out loud didn't I?" I muttered, the all nodded still slightly laughing.


"Next up is Christian Collins!" the girl holding the mic cheered as Chris runs up on stage. He waves at the crowd and takes the microphone off the girl, "How we doin' people?" He asks, the crowd cheers back in response, "Awesome! Okay for my song I would like to bring someone out on stage," He pauses as the crowd once again cheers, I roll my eyes, Kirsten gives me a quick squeeze of reassurance before she left to finish off her make-up with Ashley, Hadley met up with Karli and they were in the crown sitting down.

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