Chapter 1

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A sudden pain rippled through me, making me fall on the hard, wooden floor of my cupboard. I had to bite my lip to keep quiet, afraid that Uncle Vernon would wake up and beat me again. God knows I couldn't have survived another one... I could feel the pain slither down my arms, my back, my tailbone, it was everywhere. It felt as if something was crawling its way out of my body, ripping me to shreds in the process.

After what felt like hours, it stops, all traces of pain were gone. But there was something different about my body; I could feel a weight on my back, but there was something right about it, like it was supposed to be there. I always sleep in my boxers, so when I looked down at myself and saw mesmerizing, green scales running down my arms and hips I almost screamed in shock. I also observed that I had a 6 pack! Like actual muscles, which is basically impossible, since I've been malnourished and underfed my whole life. When I was sure I wouldn't fall over, I got up and went to the tiny, slightly cracked mirror my relatives gave me for my seventh birthday and held it up so I could see my face in it. My lips parted and my eyes widened at what I now looked like: my hair was ebony black and it reached my shoulders, I had high cheekbones,like royalty, my eyes had now heterochromia; the left eye was blood-red, while the other was silver, life mercury, and I could swear that I saw fangs peeking from my upper lip. I put the hand that didn't hold the mirror to my mouth and examined my fangs. They were like those of a snake and some kind of yellow liquid was leaking from them - venom.

I jumped when i felt something scaly touch my legs, but it also felt sort of nice, comforting, familiar. I glanced down to my legs and noticed a green tail, with blunt tip and spikes that kept coming out then going in, out of control. I tried to feel it and actually succeeded, it stopped moving, so I willed the spikes inside and it listened to me. I saw something in the corner of my eye twich and moved my hand to touch it and felt soft, feathery texture under my fingertips. I angled my mirror so I could see behind me and what I saw was magnificent: two wings were attached to my back. The right one was covered with pure, white feathers on one side and midnight black ones on the other, while the left one was like a dragon's, but crimson with viridian patches and boney edges. I didn't have enough place to stretch them, so I settled with stroking them, switching from a wing to the other. I tried to sit up straighter, but I wasn't able to. It looked like I grew in height, too.

I glance at the clock - 1:30. It was late and I had to wake up at 5:00 to make breakfast to my relatives, a breakfast I wouldn't even get to taste... I went to the coot Aunt Petunia put there that I'm supposed to call bed, got under the sheets and turned off the light.

"Happy Birthday, Harry!" I whispered into the darkness.

The next morning, after applying, wordlessly, a glamour charm to look like my old self, I walked into the kitchen, dodging the burning frying pan that my Aunt Petunia tried to hit me with and started making bacon, scrambled eggs and pancakes. My mouth watered at the thought of food, before I remembered that I was not allowed any. I was putting the food on three plates, when Uncle Vernon's booming voice sounded through the house.

"BOY! Bring me my food and don't you dare steal any of it!"

"Yes, Uncle Vernon." I replied, monotonously, then rushed to give him his food before he hit me, but I was a second too late. I didn't even see his hand before I felt like I couldn't breathe. He tightened his hand on my throat, rised me above the ground and threw me into the wall. Black spots clouded my vision when my head connected to the hard, rough surface, but I didn't make any sounds, that would make it worse - he got off of my screams. He then grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and hurled me into my cupboard, entered it himself and closed the door.

"Keep quiet, boy, or it will be even worse!" he growled, undressed me and himself, picked up his belt and started to hit me. The pain was umbearable, but I was silent - I know he can make it a lot worse. When he got tired of beating me he came closer, pulled me into him by my hair, then, without any warnings, he thrusted his cock up my entrance, pulled out then in again, over and over, until I could feel his disgusting seed fill my insides. I was beyond sickend at that point. I knew that cum and blood were coming out of my hole, trailing down my legs and on the floor. I didn't even notice him taking his prick out, then leaving me bloody, on the floor.

All I wanted to do in that moment was fall asleep and escape the pain, but I had a twelve inch long list of chores to do. Then I started thinking about my life, in general. My relatives hated and abused me, my 'friends' ignored me as often as they could, every other house seemed to hate me more then the Slytherins, my mentor, Albus Dumbledore kept lying and using legilimency on me and I had a mad-man after me that didn't appear so mad to me anymore. And in that moment I decided to leave and go to The Leaky Cauldron until school starts.

"Maybe I'll even go to Gringotts to talk to the goblin that manages my vaults, maybe even get an inheretance test..." I whispered to myself.

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