Chapter 14

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After we got off the train, Hagrid took us to the boats, where I was almost decapitated. Draco laughed his ass off while I sat there, scowling. When we reached the shore, we headed to the carriages and I saw them - thestrals. They were beautiful, noble creatures, with elegant movements and proud stature. I reached out my hand and stroked one of the thestrals' head, then bowed.

"It is an honour to meet you, great creatures. I have waited long enough to properly talk to you, but, unfortunately, now is not the time." I said in my creature talk, ignoring the gasps around me. The thestrals looked shocked, but nevertheless returned the gesture, then replied:

"The honour is ours, my Lord. The respect you have shown is most welcome and now grants you a place amongst us, youngling. You may come when you desire, my Lord, but it would be advised to avoid the headmaster while doing so. Beware, everything about him is an act. It is time for you to go, my Lord. If you wish to contact us, ask for Radeus." Radeus said, bowed and left with the already full carriage. I climbed into the next one, highly aware of the blonde Ravenclaw sitting next to me, reading The Quibbler.

"The Wrackspurts must love you, Hades... But then again, who doesn't? You have an intriguing self, after all, brother." a dreamy voice said, making me smirk.

"It's good to hear your voice again, sister. By the look on your face, the nargles have been gossiping quiet a lot, so I won't even bother to explain myself. How are you, Dreamer? Has Badger been good to you?" I asked, smiling. She smiled back and hugged me tight, practically oozing happiness.

"It's been great. He is wonderful and takes good care of me. Manic and Panic have been behaving awful, though. Kept planting pranks all around the house, even mating mistletoe..." she complained, scowling, making me burst out laughing. Mating mistletoe only works on mates who are ready to complete the mating ritual, but it was always fun to watch the pair go red from embarrassment. I could only imagine how busy the twins must've been. We continued talking until we reached Hogwarts, where we had to part. As we reached the hallway before the Great Hall, where Mcgonagall was waiting to give her speech, I saw Severus come to me. Akasha started hissing excitedly when she saw him, making me scowl and him smirk smugly.

"Can I go with him, master? Just until you finish your meal? Pleaseeee!" Oh, Lord! My familiar was worse than a child. I sighed exasperatedly, then nodded and handed her to my godfather, who placed her on his shoulder, then put a hand on the small of my back and whispered:

"You will be resorted, Hadrian. The headmaster wanted to talk to you afterwards. Whatever you do, do not drink or eat anything he gives you, they're laced in Veritaserum. Good luck!" And then left, my familiar along with him. I returned to my former head of house, who was trying and failing miserably to regain her posture. After she succeeded, she led the first years and I before the head table, from which Sev winked at me. And I'll be damned if that wasn't the sexiest wink I had ever seen. I heard him chuckling when I licked my lips, so I shot an "Well, it's true!" at him through legillimency, to which he started laughing, leaving me to pout and a few Hufflepuffs to faint. Mcgonagall eyed us suspiciously, before starting the sorting ceremony. When she finished with the first years, she cleared her throat and announced:

"This year we have a transfer from Durmstrung who will join the sixth years. His name is Hadrian Peverell." I went up the stairs, smiled cheekily at her, enjoying the red tint of her cheeks, then sat on the stool.

"So, we meet again, Mr. Potter, or shall I say Mr. Peverell?" A voice said in my head.

"Hadrian would do just fine. What is your name, if I may ask?" I asked. I could feel the Hat's shock and appreciation in my head.

"Salazar and Helga decided to name me Alastair. But now it's not the time for chit chat. Hmmm, I see every house's traits in here, some more than others, but it doesn't matter. You see, young Hadrian, I can not sort you for you are Lord Hogwarts. You must choose your place." he explained.

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