Chapter 16

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It was sunny outside, the perfect time for a run around the lake.

A week after I interrupted the meeting and met my parents, my father asked me if I wanted to learn to fight, without wizarding means. I said yes, how could I not? Training with him meant spending time with him and learning something new at the same time. And so it started. Every Monday and Sunday we would run around the grounds for an hour, then he would teach me how to fight. Some days it was hand-to-hand combat, other days with weapons. Until now, I had mastered the sword, throwing daggers and archery. After all, archery was in my blood.

Now I had just finished a lap around The Black Lake and I was sweating slightly. I returned to the Whooping Willow, underneath which I left my shirt and weapons, then grabbed one of the words and started training.(N/A:imagine Ry training on the cliff, from Star Wars: The Last Jedi.)

I knew he was here, I could feel his eyes on the back of my head. He knew what I was doing, he'd seen me before, but he had never joined me. I quickened my moves in a way that a normal person would be intimidated of, but he was no normal person. I was facing in the opposite direction of where he was when I felt his  footsteps come closer to me. When I knew he was right beside me I swung my sword and stopped it an inch from his neck.

"It's dangerous to sneak behind someone who has a sword, Professor Snape." I said with a warning tone. When he said nothing, I gathered all the courage I had and asked: "Would you, perhaps, want to join me, sir?"

"Yes, I would. If you will have me." At that I turned around and looked him up and down, then went to the willow and picked up the other sword. I walked until I was eight feet away from him, facing each other, then I said:

"You are not dressed appropriately for this, professor. Allow me to fix that." Then I waved my hand and he was dressed in a pair of black jeans, with black boots, with leather cuffs on his wrists, shirtless, with his hair tied in a ponytail. "Perfect." I stated. I heard gasps around me, so I glanced around and sure enough, the whole school was watching, including the professors. Severus merely raised an eyebrow and looked down, then returned his gaze to me. (N/A: photo on top)

"Just how long have you wanted to see me naked for, Mr. Peverell?" He drawled, causing me to grin my signature loop-sided grin.

"Long enough. You see, professor. I've always had a..." I paused for effect and smirked. "...thing for strong, powerful, dark, elegant men, like yourself..." I paused again. "like Lord Malfoy and very few others." I purred. He smirked, his eyes darkening.

"Have you now?" he drawled.

"Oh, yes I have. I've always wandered what you were hiding underneath all those layers and let me tell you, it exceeds my expectations by far. Although, I am curious, why, in the name of Merlin, would you hide such an exquisite body for?" I asked, rolling the word 'exquisite' off my tongue. Everyone sucked in a breath at that, like they were expecting him to shout at me.

"In my opinion, it seems inappropriate for a professor to attend his classes naked, wouldn't you say so, Mr. Peverell?" he purred 'naked', which almost caused me a boner.

"Yes, of course, professor, but, if you were to teach us naked, I assure you everyone's attention would be on you instead of other insignificant things. Anyway, professor, does this duel have any limits? We could, of course, turn this duel into a no-boundaries fight and the winner will suffer no consequences if the other dies. It is your choice, really. I don't mind dying, I've done it before." I asked, fully knowing that he'll choose the second.

"The latter it is, then, Mr. Peverell. I say that no combat magic should be allowed and if either one of us says 'I forfeit.',the other wins. Is that agreeable?" he says.

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