Chapter 6

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"So, do you guys know some place where I can get chothes from without my glamour on?" I asked Lucius and Severus.

"Yes, there is one place, on Knockturn Alley. It is called Madame Plumfairy's. She knows everyone's true forms and has never betrayed anyone." Lucius said, then took my arm and put it in his, then Severus did the same with my other one. I blushed to the tips of my ears and let my godfathers take me to this shop. The moment we stepped in the Knockturn Alley everyone parted to let us through, like we were royalty.

"That's because we are. I am Lord Prince, or Lord Snape, whichever you want, Lucius is Lord Malfoy and even though they do not know you, they can feel your aura - powerful, dark, dangerous." Severus whispered in my ear, making me shiver slightly. I just nodded and kept walking until he and Lucius stopped in front of a building. We entered it, then Lucius led us to a tall woman that looked to be about fifty years old.

"Good morning, Madame Plumfairy!" Lucius greeted, bowing, then he turned to me and said: "You can drop your glamours now, Hadrian." I did as told.

"Good morning to you, too, Lord Malfoy." she responded politely.

"This is Lord Prince" Lucius said, nodding towards Severus, "and this is Hadrian Riddle, The Dark Prince" he continued, looking amused and pleased with himself at the same time, when she gasped.

"Now, now, godfather!" I scolded lightly, not exactly knowing what had gotten into me. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Madame Plumfairy!" I said, taking her hand and putting a light kiss upon her knuckles. Lucius scowled.

"Likewise, my Dark Prince! It's good to know that gentlemen are not extinct." She said, making me chuckle. Severus arched a brow, so I looked into his eyes and used legilimency to say: "It probably is my dominant side speaking. I am, after all, 20% dominant." I don't think I had ever seen Severus so shocked.

"So, what can I do for you?" Madame Plumfairy asked us.

"Hadrian here needs a new wardrobe. Could you, please, make sure that he has at least 10 pairs of everything?" Severus responded, making me baffeled.

"10?" I asked, horrified. The glare he sent my way shut me up immediatly.

After two hours of measuring, trying clothes and choosing materials we were finally done. I paid for the clothes, thanked Madame Plumfairy for her help and left.

"Where to, now?" Lucius asked me. I grinned, took their hands and pulled them after me, basically buzzing with excitement. I dragged them until I reached my destination: Blackstoll's familiar shop.

"A long time ago, someone told me I would need four familiars. I already have two, the basilisk in The Chamber of Secrets, Discordia, and Dumbleduck's phoenix, whose real name is Cor, but I had yet to find my other familiars, so I was hoping to find them here." I said, watching their jaws drop and eyes grow comically, before I entered the shop. I passed by hundreds of animals, each different in their own way, until one of them caught my eye. There, in a cage, as far away as possible from the others, sat a perfectly white, blue eyed, male lion cub, with what looked like a cutting curse scar over his right eye. Even if he was a cub, I knew he was intelligent and fierce, for he was observing every animal's movements and actions and when someone got close to him he would bare his teeths in warning, making them scramble away. I looked closer and I saw, written above the cage, that he was only one moth old, but it couldn't have been possible, he was too big and calm to be that old. I saw a huge, bald man coming my way, with a tag on his chest that said Andrew Blackstoll.

 I saw a huge, bald man coming my way, with a tag on his chest that said Andrew Blackstoll

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