Chapter 2

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I waited until midnight came to get out of my cupboard, then packed clothes to last three days, the wand I stole from Dumbledore when it was calling to me, which is now my wand, my invisibility cloak and the stone that my supposed mentor gave to me to motivate me and left Pivet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey.

After I made sure my relatives couldn't find me, I sat down on a bench, waiting for The Night Bus. Few minutes later I saw it coming.

"Talk of the wolf and he shall appear" I mumbled, befor raising my hand to signal that I wanted the bus to take me somewhere. Stanley, the conductor, stepped out of the bus s soon as it stopped, took my trunk, mentioned for me to get in, then asked me where I wanted to go. I told him my destination and in seconds we were there.

"Thank you, Stanley! Goodbye!" I told him, then entered The Leaky Cauldron. I went to the bar and saw Tom, the bartender and keeper of the place and I smiled.

"Hello, Tom! It's nice too see you again." I greeted.

"Hello, Mr. Potter! Good to see you, too. What can I do for you?" Tom asked, probably curious why I was there at one in the morning.

"Could you, please, give me a room for a few days? I have some business that needs my immediate attention." I told him, not necessarily lying.

"Yes, of course! Hold on a second, please. Which one, which one shall I pick? Oh yes, this one: number 7. Here you go, Mr. Potter. If you need anything, do not hesitate to call me." Tom said, grinning at me. He handed me the key and I grinned too.

"Thanks, Tom! Good night!" I said, then headed up to my room.

I went to the bathroom, dropped my glamours and stepped into the big bathtub, instantly moaning at the sensations the hot water created for me. I stayed half an hour just relaxing there, lasily stroking my wings and playing with my tail. It felt good to be clean and free, with no one to beat you if you so much as sit down for a second. Just letting yourself feel good for a bit... But all good things must come to an end, eventually, even if not it's not completely.

I eased myself out of the warm tub and quickly wrapped a towel around me, the cold air stinging my heated skin like needles, then went back into my room where I transfigured a pair of pants and an old t-shirt into fluffy, child-like pajamas, got dressed and layed curled into a ball trying to keep myself in this bubble of warmth and safety for as long as I can. Sadly, it wasn't long before I let the darkness take over and fell into a deep slumber.

The next morning I left my room to get some breakfast before going to Gringotts. I paid for the food with two of my twelve remaining galeons that I had taken right before my first year at Hogwarts, then left to the bank. Once I arrived, I opened the big doors and walked straight to the head goblin, then bowed.

"Good morning, sir! My name is Harry Potter and I would like to talk to whom manages my vaults and, if possible, to take an inheretance test. Could you, please, direct me to him, sir?" I asked the goblin as politely and respectfully as I knew how. The whole room turned towards us, looking shocked and waited to see what the head goblin would say.

"Good morning to you, too, Mr. Potter. Yes, I can, please follow me." He said, smiling slightly after bowing, which shocked me. How could someone like him bow to someone like me? A worthless, useless, filthy freak?

After I got over the fact that he showed me respect, I rushed after him, trying to keep up and not reopen my wounds, which clearly I failed at, seeing as he turned around, looking confused.

"Why do I smell your blood, Mr. Potter? And a lot of it, too... What is going on?" he asked, looking at me, expecting me to answer.

"Nothing happend, sir. I just tripped, earlier and didn't notice. I'll be ok, sir. There's no need to pretend to care about someone like me." I said, not realising that I said something I shouldn't have.

"What do you mean by someone like you?" the goblin asked, feeling like he was missing something, but he didn't know what.

"N-Nothing, sir. Can we get on with it? P-Please?" I stuttered, not realising how much blood I was losing until I fell to the ground, slipping out of consciousness...

"Mr. Potter, can you hear me?" I heard, vaguely, from someone standing next to me. I slowly opened my eyes and thought I saw Uncle Vernon there, so I scurried as far away as I could from him and brought my knees to my chest, covering my face with my arms.

"I'm s-sorry, Uncle V-Vernon! P-Please don't hurt m-me!" I whimpered, on the verge of crying, and tightened my arms around myself, expecting excruciating pain. When I felt nothing, I slowly cracked one of my eyes open and instead of my uncle, I saw a bunch of goblins, with unexpectedly worried expressions.

"I...Wha-What happened? Am I still at Gringotts? Please tell me no one is here for me, at least no one from the Light?" I asked, confused. The head goblin stepped forward and smiled the kindest of smiles I'd ever seen on a goblin.

"It's alright, Mr. Potter. No one other then us, goblins, know that you're here. I'm going to ask you something and I need you to be honest." he paused, looking at me for confirmation. He continued only after I nodded. "Mr. Potter, did those muggle relatives of yours abuse you?" he asked, noticing that I flinched at the word 'abuse'. I looked down for a few minutes, then slowly nodded, glancing away from him. When I looked back, he looked furious, so my first instinct that I had was to get away from him and protect myself, which is exactly what I did. I jumped from him, dropped my glamour unintentionally, then got into a defenssive stance, my fangs out and my eyes glowing their respective colours. When the goblins saw this they took a few steps from me, all except the head goblin. Instead, he slowly got closer, with his hands up, showing that he wasn't going to hurt me and bared his neck in submission.

"I am not going to hurt you, Mr. Potter. We are not evil, we are not light and we don't want any harm to come to you." I gradually calmed down, my eyes came back to normal, I drew my fangs back, along with my wings and I retracted the spikes that I didn't even feel coming out of my tail. I nodded and took deep breaths, feeling myself fully calm now.

"How about that inheretence test, now?" The goblin asked, smiling.

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