Chapter 9

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I looked around and I saw we were in a room full of shocked Death Eaters. The moment the shock passed, every single wand was pointed at me.

"Godfathers, I think you forgot to tell me there was a meeting today." I said, sending a glare in their direction. Only when they cowered slightly I was satisfied enought to continue. "Oh, well..." I said, then I flicked my wrist and every DE, except Lucius, Severus and Bellatrix, was sent flying into a wall, then bound to it by heavy chains layered in magic. The next thing I know, a wand is pressed against my throat, glowing green.

"Hmmm, I wonder if the killing course would fail a second time... Anyway, you can take that away from my neck, father. I wouldn't hurt you, nor would I my mother. My name is Hadrian Xantos Riddle, but a few days back, before I took an inheritance test, I was known as Harry Potter. I will tell you everything and I have Lucius and Severus, may I call you Severus?, here to prove that I speak the truth. But before we get started, could you take that wand from me? It won't work, anyway." I said, hoping they would believe me.

"Yes, Hadrian, you may call me that. My Lord, he is who he says he is, although you won't like his story." Severus told my father and to my relief, he lowered his wand. I turned to face him and I almost yelped when I saw a pale, tall, black haired, dark man with blue, heterochromiac eyes and my father's magic signature.

"H-How...? W-What happened...?" I stuttered, wide eyed. Then it hit me. "You look like an older Tom Riddle. Is your other appearance your serpentine form?" I asked, trying every possible way I could think about. He looked impressed.

"Yes, it is. How would you know about serpentine forms? Are those thought at Hogwarts?" he asked, intrigued. I smiled.

"No, they aren't. I copied some books from the restricted section to read in the summer, but I didn't get to red much of it..." by the last words I was frowning. I didn't get to read them because I was either doing my chores or trying not to die. Lucius noticed my zoning out, added to the look on my face he probably figured out what I was thinking about, 'cause he came to me and hugged me, putting a hand on the back of my head and pulling me into his chest.

"It's ok, Hadrian. You don't have to tell them about that right now." my godfather said, rubbing my back.

"How else will they trust my reasons for joining the dark if they don't know?" I asked him, tightening my grip on his waist. Lucius sighted, then pulled away and cupped my face with his soft hands.

"It's your choice, Had. Just make sure you're ready." he murmured. I nodded and smile.

"You could also let them see, instead of telling them. Maybe that would be easier." Severus told me. I quickly hugged him too, the pulled back and said.

"I think it would be better if I show them the test from Gringotts and just tell them. There's no need to show them something as gruesome as my past. Also, I would like to talk to their followers later and, maybe, dissect a rat." I said and manically grinning at the thought of seeing Wormtail. My godfathers shook their heads, while my parents looked intrigued. I looked around the room at the wizards on the walls, sighted, then let them down.

"Don't even think about attacking me. My father would look like the Easter Bunny compared to me." I threatened.

"You're just a little, defenceless boy. What could you do to us?" one of them said. I felt blood boiling and my magic dangerously flailing in the room, making the temperature drop. I could faintly hear my godfathers curse and try to reason with me, but there was no time to reason. The man that talked had to be punished. I crouched down and held my hand to the ground.

"Go to Severus, little one." I whispered, letting Akasha slither away. I then went to Sicarius and said:

"Head to Lucius, precious. Do not come to me unless I call you." Then I watched as my familiars go to my godfathers. I raised my hand and closed every door and window, then warded the entire manor against apparition and blocked the floo.

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