Chapter 12

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A week had past and now it was two days before the school term would start. My parents taught me how to control my dragon and demon side, how to retract my tail, wings and fangs into my body so I wouldn't have to use glamours and use my metamorphagus abilities to change my hair and face. Ambrose came to me the previous day and apologized for making fun of me, then offered to pretend that he is my father when I go back to Hogwarts under the name of Hadrian Peverell, since my father would be recognized by the headmaster and my mother is a fugitive. I accepted and spend half of that day teaching him about Hogwarts, while he told me about Durmstrung, since he attended there. Since I found out I was a little, my father would come every night in my room, feed me a bottle of warm milk and put a diaper on me, then rock me to sleep. It felt absolutely marvellous, pun intended. Now, I am getting dressed so we can go to The Diagon Alley to get what I need for Hogwarts. I put on a nice pair of leather pants and a tight khaki shirt that showed both of my tattoos. I let my scales and heterochromia intact, but the wings, tail and fangs were inside my body. Sicarius asked if he could play in the garden with the other animals on this property and I let him, so I was going only with Akasha.

I draped her over my shoulders and descended down the stairs, ignoring the cat calls I got, then entwined my arm with Ambrose's. This was Hadrian Peverell's first public appearance with his father, Augustus Peverell, and he would sure as Hell make the best of it. We apparated out of the Riddle Manor and into The Diagon Alley, startling everyone around, then I took out my Hogwarts letter and looked over it.

"Come, father. I need my books and potions kit. Then we have to get some school robes from... Madam Milkin's. To acquire the books, we must go to Flourish and Blotts. Shall we go, then, father?" I said, smirking. He rolled his eyes, but nevertheless he returned my smirk and nodded. We went into the book shop, when I spotted six read heads and a bushy haired girl. Oh, this is going to be hilarious! I tapped Ambrose's arm and looked into Weasleys's and Granger's direction, the tugged him closer to them. I made eye contact with the twins and winked, making them recognise me and they grinned and clicked their heels, telling me that they know for sure. I tapped my cheek, telling them that I had something for them and they put a hand over their hearts, saying that we will talk at Hogwarts. I nodded, then turned to my supposed father who seemed highly amused, making me mock glare at him, then shrug. I looked around and saw my ex two friends coming towards me.

"Hullo, I'm Ron Weasley." The ginger said, extending a hand at which I stared until he let it drop. Granger saw how uncomfortable her boyfriend was, so she jumped in.

"And I am Hermione Granger, the brightest witch of my age." she told me in that obnoxious and I'm-better-than-you voice of hers.

"Pleasure." I repeated with the same face expression she wore in the first year when she met Ron. "My name is Hadrian Peverell and this is my father, Augustus Peverell. I transferred from Durmstrung and I am probably going to be in Slytherin or Ravenclaw." I said, making eye contact with them for the first time. They gasped, but quickly recovered. That until their eyes lowered to my collarbone where the scales peaked out from under my shirt, making them gasp again.

"Oh, you don't want to be with the slimy snakes or the bookworms. You should be with the strong and courageous lions, like us." Weasley said, puffing out his chest, while Hermione raised her head in a proud manner. I called Akasha, who went for a walk, to me through our mind link. She came and slithered up my body and went around my neck. I let my magic wrap around me like a green armor, and hissed to my hatchling.

"Do not worry, little one, I just wanna scare someone, so please hiss dangerously at them, while I make my eyes like yours and let my fangs out." she nodded, then turned to the remaining Golden Trio and let her fangs out and hissed dangerously. I let my fangs drop and my venom leak out of them, then made my eyes turn red and my pupils morphed into slits, then spat at them, in a voice like Voldemort's before he escaped the madness:

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