Chapter 5

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Once in my room I went to my truck and placed guide in it, then took some clothes and headed to the bathroom to change. I exited the bathroom after I changed and went to my godfathers.

"Would you want to accompany me to the Diagon and Knockturn Alleys to buy some things that I can actually call my own, or do you have anything to do?" I asked them. They glanced at each other, turned to me, then grinned.

"We're going shopping with our gosdson!" they said at the same time. I, hesitantly, walked until I was only a few inches from them, slowly raised my hand until I felt Lucius's robes under my fingertips, then wrapped my arms around both of them, pressing my face to one of their chests and subtly inhaled their scent. The only person that had ever really shown me affection before was my Angelus Mortis and I loved it. He smelt of power, masculinity, dominance and was so warm and safe... I never wanted it to end, but it did. Now, as I hugged my godfathers I noticed they smelt the same, only less. And of course, there was something that helped me tell them apart. Lucius smelt of jasmine and Severus of apples, while the man from all those years ago smelt like vanilla, with a tint of cinnamon. Their scents were soothing, but nothing like the one belonging to my Angel of Death. I don't remember how much I stayed like that, but eventually I stepped back, blushing. (N/A: Angelus Mortis = Angel of Death)

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to see what family feels like. I-I won't touch you again, I'm sorry." I said, slightly panicking, then hurried to the door, but before I could even touch the handle, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped away from it and knocked over a flower pot, making me freeze, then scurried into a corner of the room and curled into a ball, trembling, with my wings and tail wrapped around me.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please don't hurt me! I won't do it again, I promise! Please don't!" I whimpered, sobbing uncontrolably, while trying to get further away from them. I heard footsteps coming my way and I made myself even smaller, my crying tenfold, then I felt hands on me. I trashed around, trying to escape, but they didn't bulge. Instead, they put me over their laps and rocked me, whispering that it was going to be ok, that they won't hurt me - that I was safe with them. After my crying subdued and I drew my wings back, Lucius let go and Severus placed me in his lap, my back in his chest and his chin resting on top of my head. Lucius conjured a handkerchief and a bottle of water and began to whipe my face, then opened the bottle and put it to my lips. I took small gulps of water, pressing myself in Severus, feeling exhausted. A soft, baritone tune begun from behind me and I felt a reassuring rumbling from the chest I was leaning into, making my eyes close, unwillingly. My head lulled back into Severus's neck as I succumbed to the darkness, firm fingers treading through my hair.

The next time I woke up I was being sandwitched between two warm bodies, both of them cladded in dark robes, their breaths fanning my face and neck. I turned around and saw piercing, ebony eyes looking right back at me. I didn't say anything and put my head on his chest and listened to his heart beat. We stayed in silence, until I broke it.

"Thank you, godfather. I'm sorry for breaking down on you and Lucius like that. It wasn't supposed to happen." I whispered, still listening. He just sighed and placed a fatherly kiss on the top of my head, making me close my eyes for a few seconds, then reopen them.

"You can't be strong all the time. No one can. Not even you, probably the strongest wizard alive, can." he whispered back, smiling slightly.

"Not even you?" I asked in a small voice. He smiled affectionately.

"No, not even me." he answered, putting his arm around my shoulders. Suddenly, a new voice joined us.

"I wanna cuddle, too!" Lucius whined, pouting like a child. I laughed, then threw an arm behind me, grabbed Lucius's robes and pulled, sprawling him on top of us. I whispered a quick 'Tempus' and heard that it was 8:17 am.

"Do you still want to go shopping with me?" I asked my godfathers. They both nodded. Lucius got up first, fallowed by me and Severus. I wandlessly and wordlessly summoned some clothes from my truck, then went to have quick shower. When I came back, both Lucius and Severus were dressed in new clothes, but what shocked me was that they were dressed in tight, black jeans, Lucius in a white, button down shirt and Severus in a Slytherin green button down shirt with his sleeves raised. Holy crap, my godfathers were hot. Too bad I already have a mate. I guess they knew what I was thinking about, because they both smirked at me at the same time. I blushed, placed a glamour on myself to hide the wings, tail and heterochromia, then made my way to the door.

"Are you two coming, or what?" I asked just as I opened the door.

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