Chapter 7

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   We made our way through The Diagon Alley to The Leaky Cauldron where we could have lunch and find out what my new familiars eat. We entered the pub and every single man, woman and child present stopped what they were doing to just stare at us. This much attention made Akasha squirm on my shoulders and hiss threateningly at them. I nuzzled her head with my cheek to calm her.

"It's alright, little one. No one will touch you, or the rest of us. You're safe, I'm here and I won't leave you." I hissed soothingly. Everyone except my godfathers gasped, but I paid them no mind, my eyes were on my familiar. I hated seeing anyone I cared about scared.

"Are you sure, master? Every human I met tried to hurt me, everyone except the big, bald human at the shop, the scowling one and the blonde one with you, and you, master." she hissed, more like whimpered. I could feel my blood boiling in my veins and feel my tail itching to strangle someone, but I kept my anger at bay, now was not the time to scare my hatchling even more than she already was. I extended my arm and she slid down my arm to my palm, where she stopped, turned and raised her head and body until she was levelled with my eyes. I brought my hand closer to my body, then started to pet her head with my other hand.

"I promise that no one will hurt you ever again, hatchling." I told Akasha, waited for her to nod, then kissed her head and let her slither back around my neck. I then turned to my audience and said.

"Everything is fine. If anyone touches my familiars they will have a worse fate than anything even Voldemort could offer them. You can return to your previous actions." I spoke loudly, for all of them to hear. I may or may not have let some of my magic loose in the room, only to watch their scared expressions, then abruptly pulled it back inside me. Severus put a hand on the small of my back and Lucius on my shoulder, then lead me to a booth, Sicarius following on Lucius's right, where I sat on a one side and they on the other, the cub next to me on the floor.

"What is it that you want to eat, my darlings?" I asked my familiars through our mind link. Akasha replied mice and Sicarius rare steak. A short, black haired woman hesitantly walked towards us and asked:

"Would you like anything?" I looked to my godfathers, silently telling them to order first. After they told her what they wanted, she turned to me.

"I would like a portion of Chicken Florentine Pasta. As for my lion, two stakes, rare. Oh, would you be so kind to bring me another bowl?" I asked, smiling charmingly. I then turned to my hatchling.

"Don't worry, little one, I haven't forgotten about you. I will conjure you some mice, that's what the bowl's for. Is that okay?" I hissed. She just nodded, nuzzling my jaw.

"Yes, master. Thank you." she replied. I just smiled, then looked up, only to see Lucius smiling at me and Severus shaking his head, sighting, faking exasperation. I grinned and ducked my head, slightly embarrassed.

Twenty minutes later the food came and I wandlessly and wordlessly conjured two mice, making Severus raise an eyebrow. I just shrugged and started eating. Despite where we were eating, the food was delicious, pulling a moan out of me. I blushed, shyly looked up, then blushed some more. Severus was chuckling at me in that deep, guttural voice of his and Lucius had a smirk plastered on his face. Suddenly I heard gasps, so I glanced around me and, sure enough, everyone was looking at the usually scowling Potions Master like he had grown a second head. The girls and some of the guys practically swooned, while the others just seemed uncomfortable. I bit my lip to keep from laughing and returned to Severus, raising my brow in mocking imitation, putting that familiar scowl back on his face. After that we returned to eating and about a half hour later we finished.

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