Chapter 13

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It was the start of the term, my 'first day' at Hogwarts. Sicarius told me that he would stay here, with Leia, so he spent the last two days cuddling and nuzzling me, even sleeping in my bed with me. I had never so warm in my life. Now I was getting dressed in some dark blue pants, a grey shirt and a leather jacket. I then made my way down the stairs and looked at my godfathers to see their lips parted and their eyes darkening. I used some magic to untie my laces and crouched down on one knee, tied them up, then looked up at my godfathers through my lashes and bit my lip to keep from smirking. I then got up and almost jumped when I heard my mother's voice. I forgot she was there. (N/A: outfit on the side.)

"You are aware you could've tied them without all this fuss only by using magic, right?" my mother asked. I responded not taking my eyes away from my godfathers'.

"Yes, quite." I let the words roll off of my tongue. Mother rolled her eyes, while father just chucked. He then commented:

"I believe I understand what you meant when you said 'partly'." And then he smirked. He smirked! I could feel my cheeks heating up so I looked away and scowled, the said, avoiding their eyes:

"It's getting late, I and Ambrose need to get into that station to cause some trouble and Sev's got to be at Hogwarts." At that, everyone's face turned sad and mom burst in tears. I ran to her and hugged her as tight as I could, knowing that it will be awful without them so long. I felt my eyes sting, so I quickly whiped them, then said, my voice slightly cracking: "I'll miss you...I love you, mom. Thank you for accepting me." That seemed to only make her cry harder, so dad swooped in to save me, by taking me from my mother's arms only to bring me into his. I let my dragon senses take over when I buried my face into his neck, my arms fisting his shirt. We stayed like that for a few more seconds before I pulled away, almost falling over in the process. Damn, my father had a strong scent.

"Sorry, I gave off a bit too much, but I had a feeling you'll need every bit of it." he explained, looking sheepish.

"You're probably right, dad. And I don't think it's necessary to tell you 'I love you', because you already know, but..." I trailed off, not knowing what to say. That I needed to make sure they really loved me? That I was afraid they'd wake up one day and no one would love me anymore? That I thought this was all a cruel dream and I was still in my cupboard? I felt warm arms wrap around me and only then I saw how bad I was trembling. I furrowed my brows when I felt wetness around my eyes. I lifted my hand and put it on my cheek. Yep, I was crying. God, could I have been more pathetic than that? I sat my chin on my father's shoulder and took a deep beath to calm myself, then waited to see what he had to say.

"I, Tom Marvolo Riddle, swear on my magic to unconditionally love and care for my son, Hadrian Xantos Riddle. So mote it be!" my father's voice cut through the silence in the manor. Everyone gasped in shock, while I just gaped at him, trying to process what he had just done. Oh, my God!

"D-Did y-y-you j-just..." I trailed off, not knowing how to put it in words. He gently grabbed the back of my head and put it in his neck, then said:

"Yes, Hadrian. I made a vow which, if broken, will rip my magic away from me. Every time we will see each other, I will use magic to prove to you that I am still keeping my promise. Are you feeling better now? Are you good enough to give the old coot a heart attack?" he said softly, finishing with a joke, knowing that I hoped it would happen for real. I laughed a little, then hugged him, breathing in his calming scent, then nodded and parted from him. He pushed me slightly, straight into Lucius's arms. The blonde smirked and bent down to whisper in my ear:

"When you get back, shall we continue our legillimancy conversation?" He let his breath fan my ear, making me shiver and gulp. I stood on my toes so that my lips were mere inches away from his, then breathed the next words:

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