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Welcome to my third fic, yeah so this one will be a bit darker and more intense then my other 2, if u want happier stuff than u can read them, this one will be happy of course, it has my ray of sunshine deku but it will have more intense and emotional stuff. 

ANYWAY! ENJOY! By the way this part takes place when the boys are 12, sorry i twisted the timeline a bit by making todoroki get burned later, meh, any way, enjoy!  Also theres an OC villain in here cuz why not.


Todoroki grunted as he felt his body make contact with the hard concrete pavement, he felt his knee's scrape across the gravel. He raised his head up to the sky, staring at the stars. Wishing to be with them, hoping he could get away from all this.

"Don't come back until you're better than what you are" said his father as he spat on the floor next to him and slammed the door. Todoroki could hear him stomping off into the house, probably to go scream at his mother.

Todoroki knew he should probably go back inside and fight back against the demon of a man, go back and scream at him, punch him and destroy him. But he just couldn't.

"He's right" he thought, "I'm pathetic" he got up from the pavement and wrapped his arms around his knee's, digging his head into his arms, he could feel the tears rolling out of his eyes and dripping off his arms onto the floor, like a waterfall, a waterfall of despair. He probably looked stupid, but he didn't care. 

"A-are you okay?" said a voice, it came out of nowhere, and seemed to slice through the air like a knife. All outside sounds silenced once this voice spoke, it was soft and gentle. It seemed kind and caring, something extremely sincere and loving in this voice. Todoroki felt his breath freeze for a second. He looked up at the voice. 

Standing above him was a small green haired boy, he wasn't very tall or very big, he had so many freckles it almost seemed like a struggle to count them all, he was smiling. It wasn't a forced smile or a pity smile, it was a caring smile. This smile seemed to light up the world. There was no denying it, there was something about this boy. Something beautiful.

"Are you okay?" the boy repeated, he didn't seem irritated thought, he sounded concerned. "I was walking down the street and i saw you get flung onto the pavement! i wanted to check if you were alright" he said.

"Oh...yes i'm fine" said Todoroki, getting up from the floor. 

"Oh, your knee!" said the boy, he opened up his backpack and pulled out some band aids and sanitise spray, "My mum makes me carry around all this stuff just in case, i never thought i'd need them!" he said as he immediately began to put them on. The boy walked Todoroki over to a park bench across the street where he began to patch him up.

"Sorry if i was prying!" said the boy "I was just really worried! i get worried about people easily! i hate seeing people get hurt, i just needed to check if you were fine, i do hope i wasn't prying-" the boy began to ramble on. Todoroki thought it was cute.

" it's fine...i'm glad you did" said Todoroki.

"Oh! i forgot to say! I'm Izuku Midoriya" said the boy, who's name is apparently Izuku.

"I-i'm Shouto Todoroki" said Todoroki, wincing, hoping the boy wouldn't recognise his fathers name.

"It's lovely to meet you!" said Izuku, "I do wish it was on happier circumstances!"

Todoroki let out a small giggle, he didn't know how it escaped him, but it did. Maybe it was something about this boy? He just seemed to make todoroki feel so...warm. Todoroki watched Izuku as he patched him up, he didn't really talk, he looked concentrated, determined on helping him.

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