Chapter 3: The Gift

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Welcome to chapter 3, i decided to write this up now to mark the occasion of the release of season 3 tomorrow (for my timezone)  None of you know how excited i am for season 3, anyway enjoy! this chapter kind of sets up the plot for this overall fic


"Turn to page 394" groaned Aizawa

The class turned the page of their hero textbooks, everyone groaning with each page flip. Today was a particularly boring day at U.A. There was absolutely nothing to do, yet. Hero studies was at the end of Wednesday, so they had to sit through the bores of Literature with Aizawa, who was just as enthusiastic as the rest of the class. Everyone was struggling their hardest to concentrate,

But nobody was struggling harder to concentrate than Todoroki. He couldn't help but constantly peek up at Izuku, watching the back of his floofy head slowly read the brail on his page. He could feel his cheeks going slightly pink. He didn't know what he was experiencing, ever since Izuku came to U.A he couldn't get him out of his mind, there was something about him that gave Todoroki butterfly's in his stomach. He didn't know what this feeling was, he'd never experienced it before.

Izuku to, was trying to work but he couldn't stop thinking about Todoroki, in his mind there appeared to be a permanent image of Todoroki engraved into his brain. He would constantly look at that mental image of him and just admire his features.

"He really is...pretty hot...-Wait! Izuku! whats wrong with you! He's you're friend!?" Izuku didn't have a clue what he was thinking, he had never experienced feelings like this before. He'd only felt this way about another boy once, he had blonde spiky hair, but he's long since forgotten about him.

Both boy's trains of thought were put on hold when the bell rang, dismissing them to go get into their sports uniforms for hero training. Everyone ran to the locker rooms and started to get changed, everyone in the boys locker room were talking.

"Oh my god i was going to kill myself that was so boring" yelled Kaminari

"God even Aizawa looked like he wanted to die" said Kirishima

"He always looks like he wants to die" laughed Mineta

"He's a mess!" interjected Sato

"UNLIKE MOI" said Aoyama, dramatically sliding into the room.

Everyone looked at him for a second before getting back to getting dressed. Izuku was a bit slow with putting on his uniform, mainly because he could barely see, it was just such a fiddly outfit. He was trying to get his shirt properly zipped up when he felt someone rest a hand on his shoulder and begun to zip him up.

"I'll get that for you" said Todoroki cooly behind him as he slowly zipped up his uniform

Izuku let out a quick little shiver, he didn't know what it was. Todoroki felt himself blush as he zipped up Izuku's fairly muscular back, he had no idea how muscly this boy actually was.

"T-thanks" whimpered Izuku, "God! What's wrong with me today?" he thought

The two boy's quickly ran outside to join the rest of the class who were all standing at the centre of the field.

"Where's all might?" asked Ochako

There was a loud bang in the sky, all the class looked up to see the large figure of all might plummeting towards the ground.

"I AM HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEREEEEEE" he roared as he made impact with the ground before triumphantly standing tall.

No matter how many classes they had with All Might, Izuku still got excited to see him, and seeing Izuku excited like a little boy was Todoroki's favourite thing.


Izuku woke up that day feeling a slight pain in his eyes, he opened his eyes...only to find he couldn't see anything, usually everything was a dark blur, but he could see nothing. His breathing got faster and faster as reached around looking for eye drops. He found them and squirted them into his eyes. He blinked a few times before the darkness melted away. But what he saw made him drop the packet. He still obviously was border-line completely blind but...he could see better...everything was slightly less blurry, he could see across his room now. He had no idea what it was but...something was happening to him.

That entire day at school Izuku couldn't stop thinking about what had happened with his eyes, they appeared to be getting better, It's not that Izuku wasn't happy it was just...

"How?" he muttered

Suddenly an enormous alarm erupted through the school.

"Lock down, everyone under your desks" said Aizawa as he used his scarf to close and lock the door. Everyone screamed as they dived under their desks. Everyone was frightened that it wasn't a drill. Izuku turned to Todoroki, Todoroki's heart sank. He could see the fear in Izuku's eyes. He crawled over and rested his hand on his shoulder.

"It'll be alright Izuku" he said gently, trying his best to calm him down.

Izuku turned to Todoroki and smiled, he felt his face go red as he could see Todoroki clearer, noticing just how gorgeous he really was. He started to think he knew what this feeling was.


--At the staff office an hour later--

"What was the lock down for?" asked Aizawa, walking into the staff room.

Nedzu didn't speak, all the other staff were in shock.

"What, you look like you've seen a ghost" laughed Aizawa.

Midnight raised her hand and pointed at a small gift wrapped present sitting at the centre of the table. Aizawa walked over and picked up a small note next to it.

"Be Prepared" it read

Aizawa opened up the box and his heart did a double take, he leapt backwards and let out a small yelp.

In the box sat a small, acid-burned,severed hand.

"I believe the school is in danger" said Nedzu

The staff nodded in agreement, but none of them properly knew exactly what was coming.




<3 <3 <3

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