Bonus: That Night

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Wow!! thanks to everyone still reading this fic and voting it! it really means a lot! This is literally just a filler before i write out the showcase, which will be MASSIVE, so it'll mainly be fluff!

So it won't be as intense as the last chapter! ENJOY!


Izuku quietly unlocked the front door, trying his absolute best to not wake his mother. She was a heavy sleeper, like there could be an explosion and she would sleep through it, but Izuku liked to take precautions. He and Todoroki gently shuffled through the door, Izuku still holding Todoroki up before he gently lowered him into a dining room chair.

"Are you okay?" he whispered gently, "Do you need anything else?"

"No no no" answered Shouto, trying to shoo away his worries, "i'm fine, it's just a few cuts, nothing that won't heal quickly, don't worry...just relax" he said

"I don't know if i can relax" laughed izuku "After everything's that happened tonight my entire world has just kicked into an entirely new speed"

"In a good or bad way?" asked Shouto, tilting his head slightly

"In a very very good way" blushed Izuku, before resting a quick peck on Todoroki's forehead. You would think from the way that they were acting it would be as if they were married. But this was all their love, everything they'd been feeling finally being released, and both of them loved it.

Finally being together felt like they were both on cloud nine, floating above the horrors of the earth, it was heaven. The two ate their poorly prepared 2 minute noodles while watching a movie together.

"You know Shoto...i've been noticing something lately" whispered Izuku

"Mmph?" mumbled Todoroki, his mouth filled with noodles

"Ever since...ever since we found eachother eyesights been getting better, a lot better actually, like i dont have to squint to see a lot of stuff anymore" said Izuku

"Is it part of your quirk" said Todoroki, as he swallowed his noodles

"I'm not sure?" 

"well...whatever it is, it can't be bad" said Todoroki, as he pulled Izuku into a hug. Izuku smiled widely as they hugged.

The hug was perfect, each others warmth filled them with comfort and protection. They laid like this for a while. Until they finally fell asleep together.

--The next day--

Izuku sprang awake the next day, realising it was time for the showcase.

"get up!" yelled Izuku, as he hastily shook todoroki

"Wha-what is it" said Todoroki, shaking his head, his hair fallen over his face messily, he was still half asleep.

"The showcase is today! we have to get ready for school!"

this woke todoroki up. The two sprang up and ran to Izuku's room to get dressed.

"Fuck! i don't have a uniform" yelled Todoroki

"Don't worry, i have spare uniforms a lot bigger, mum said i'll need them if i had a growth spurt" giggled Izuku, as he threw Todoroki a sports uniform. The two boys hastily got dressed as they ran out the door, before inko even woke up.

By the time the two got to school they were both entirely out of breath. They ran up to homeroom just as Aizawa moped into the door. The two laughed awkwardly as they went to their seats and sat through the brief.

The two boys looked at eachother and smiled, they both ready for their showcase.

They were ready to go beyond

plus ultra!


SORRY THIS WAS LATE! i was so busy with school work!

Sorry for the filler, but oh well, i clarified some stuff with Izuku's sight btw!

anyway! see you for the next chapter!

See ya

<3 <3 <3

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