Chapter 5: Sleepover

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lmao just kinda realised most of my fanfics have some form of sleepover but oh well, its cute, ENJOY. This chapter is fluff galore! contains strong lion king spoilers...yes you read that correctly.


Todoroki could feel his heart pounding faster and faster as the elevator rode closer to Izuku's apartment, out of excitement obviously, but also nerves. He was terrified he was going to mess up. Worried he was going to let his feelings ruin their friendship.

The elevator doors opened and he walked over to Izuku's door, he knocked on the hard wood door.

"Oh god...maybe i shouldn't have come here...maybe i should leave? no.. you don't want to hurt him, oh fuck pull it together shoto!" he thought. Suddenly the door swung open to reveal Izuku behind it, smiling widely.

"Hey Shoto! come in!" he said, cheery as ever, when he smiled out of genuine happiness his eyes closed, it showed Shoto just how adorable he was. Izuku was wearing an extremely oversized grey shirt that drooped over his right shoulder and went over his hands, he wore short black pants and loose, white socks. He looked adorable and Todoroki wanted nothing more than to hug him forever.

"Hey Izuku, how are you?" he asked, trying his best to keep his cool, but could feel himself blushing

"I'm really good! a lot better now that you're here actually!" said Izuku as he practically bounced through his apartment. "Follow me, i'll take you to my room where you can put your bag down".

Izuku's room was exactly how Todoroki imagined it. Not very well kept, and all might posters everywhere he looked. He loved how much of a geek Izuku was, it made him love him even more.

"You can just put your bag down anywhere!" he said happily. Todoroki neatly placed his bag against the back wall

"Sorry! i completely forgot to clean this place up...i'm a bit of a slob ha ha" said Izuku, nervously rubbing the back of his neck

"no no, it's fine" said Todoroki, smiling slightly, "my rooms messy as well...all the time" he said letting out a nervous giggle.

Izuku blushed like crazy, Todoroki just drove him so wild, he was so sweet and funny and genuinely hot, he respects him. He loves him.

"Wow! i like it when you laugh!" said Izuku, " really makes my day to see you laugh"

Todoroki smiled slightly, rubbing the back of his neck "T-thanks always make my day..." said Todoroki, stuttering like crazy.

The two boys stood in silence for a moment, but not an awkward silence, it was a peaceful silence, they were both enjoying and savouring each others presence, they were just looking at each other, admiring eachother.

"" thought Izuku, "But you can't let your feelings get in the'll just ruin your friendship...but he's...just so amazing....

"I-i-i-i-i...i'll go get the pasta off the stove!" blurted out Izuku, stuttering so much just from the sheer moment they experienced together. The two boys went downstairs and got their pasta ready and sat on the couch.

"So, what movie do you want to watch?" asked Izuku. "We've got...Star wars, kill bill, wizard of oz, phantom of the opera, pretty woman, batman, superman, wonder woman, spider man homecoming, e.t, lion king" 

"Hmmmm...phantom of the opera..." said Todoroki "i just got massive deja vu..."

"Me to..." said Izuku. 




hehehe, on with the story


"Hmmm...what about...lion king? i've never seen that before" asked Todoroki

"WHAT! you've never seen lion king! well we have to watch it now! it's amazing, you'll love it!" said Izuku as he fumbled with the disk, he finally put it in the diskplayer and sat cross legged on the couch.

Todoroki got a slight fright at the start of the movie, which made Izuku laugh. He clearly was enjoying the movie. But izuku didn't know was that Todoroki was enjoying the movie a lot more because of Izuku's presence.

"Scar! brother! help me!" said the movie

"long live the king" said the movie

Todoroki gasped, leaning forward, getting closer to the screen, Todoroki let out another gasp when Mufasa fell.

"i-i thought this was a...childrens movie" said Todoroki, clearly in shock. Izuku laughed, laughed harder than he usually did.

After that scene Izuku could hear a sniffing noise, he turned to his right to see Todoroki crying, he was rubbing his eyes. They were at the scene where simba finds mufasa. Todoroki never cried in movies, but this got to him. He continued crying into his sleeve. Hoping Izuku wouldn't see.

"God i'm such a baby..." he thought

As he continued to sob into his sleeve about the sheer sadness of this scene he felt something wrap around him, he looked down to see Izuku, his arms wrapped around him. Hugging him. 

"dont worry's only a movie" he said gently, looking up to Todoroki.

Todoroki rested his arms around Izuku, hugging tightly, getting through the emotions together. Together they laughed, they cried, they sang. Once the movie finally came to a close Todoroki stood up and clapped.

"That was by far one of the best fucking movies i'd ever seen" he said with so much emotion in his voice. It made Izuku smile.

And so they both brushed their teeth and got changed and hopped into bed

"Goodnight Shoto!" said Izuku, chipper as ever

"Goodnight Izuku" he said calmly.

As the night drew to a close Todoroki couldn't help but smile. Everything about Izuku just made him want to smile, he was too amazing for words. Izuku felt the same. He couldn't help but think about Todoroki a lot. He was everything Izuku wanted, he was amazing. 

They both loved each other. Their love for each other was stronger than 6 all mights combined.

And this type of love, could never die


I hope you enjoyed this (ahem obvious filler), I GOT SO SAD WHILE REWRITING MUFASA'S DEATH YOU ALL DON'T UNDERSTAND!



<3 <3 <3

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