Chapter 9: Morning!

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Izuku woke to the feel of two muscular arms wrapped around his abdomen, it took him a while to remember but he remembered exactly what happened last night. The sheer magic of it all. He turned his head around gently to see Shoto resting gently next to him. 

"this is heaven" he muttered to himself. Todoroki looked just as gorgeous asleep as he did when he was awake. His hair just slightly messier than usual, his mouth slightly open, very kissable. He usually would get out of bed immediately when he woke up...but today he decided just to rest there, admiring the boy he had before him.

He knew he shouldn't, he knew he should resist the temptation, but he knew he just had to, while he had the opportunity. Izuku leaned in and quickly and hastily gently pecked Todoroki on the lips. He quickly retreated back to his position, praying he would wake up. He didnt. Izuku felt his face go completely red.

"That was probably the greatest decision I've ever made" he muttered.

A few minutes later he heard Todoroki gently groan. Izuku turned around to see as he gently opened his eyes. He raised his arms to rub them through his hair. 

"Morning Shoto" said Izuku quietly

"mmmpphh...m-morning" he whispered, before smiling again and wrapping his arms around Izuku. "Can we just stay a little's comfy..." he groaned

"S-sure" said izuku hastily, blinking a few times, trying to be able to see Todoroki better. So the two boys just laid there in bed, Izuku was turning to face Todoroki, his arms pressed against his chest and his eyes at his mouth. His legs were even intertwined with Todoroki's. It was perfect.

They laid like this for an hour, before Todoroki leaned in and whispered quietly into Izuku's ear

"Want breakfast?" he whispered gently into Izuku's ear.

To anyone else this sentence would have been normal, but the way he almost seductively whispered it into Izuku's ear was just so hot.

"S-sure" said Izuku, "Just gimme a second to...wake up..." he said awkwardly, his face blushing.

"Sure" said Todoroki, just laying gently, waiting.

"Okay let's go" said izuku as he jumped out of bed.

The two didn't even bother to get dressed. Todoroki helped Izuku down the stairs as they just sat down on the couch watching the tv and eating breakfast. Their show was suddenly interrupted by a breaking news report.

"attention! two officers have been found severely burned in an alley north of the city, anyone in that general area may want to be careful. There are no photos of the attacker, but there is damaged surveillance footage we will play for you now."

The two boys leaned in closer to the screen, Izuku squinting his eyes to see better. The video depicted two officers being flung past the camera, as a figure, not much taller than Shoto approached the two and let out a blood curdling scream.

Izuku recognised the scream. It was him. The one who burned him those years ago. Izuku fell backwards onto the couch, Todoroki saw the goosebumps go all over his body.

"It's him isn't it..." said Todoroki, leaning closer to Izuku

"y-yes...i wish it wasn't but it has to be...i recognise him" 

"Don't worry" said Todoroki as he rested his arm around Izuku and pulling him closer, trying his best to calm him down. 

"He'll be caught, i promise" 

Izuku looked up to the boy he loved so much, his eyes so filled with fear. He gently nodded. Todoroki could feel his heart pounding rapidly in his chest.

"I hope so"


The two officers shrieked as the power hands lifted them and threw them through the air, both shrieking at the top of their lungs. Both officers struggled to get their guns, their hands shaking so much. There was a bang, and a rain of acid fell on the two, causing them to shriek in pain as their blood poured from their bodies.

They both nearly had heart attacks as they looked up to see a figure walking towards them. It's arms extended. It laughed. " think you can protect the world...just die" it laughed. The officers both shrieked at the top of their lungs, nearly ripping their vocal chords. They both braced themselves for their death. but it didn't come. They both looked up to see the thing hurdling away from them through the air, laughing maniacally. The two officers both fainted when they heard the sounds of ambulance sirens approaching.


Izuku had calmed down now that Todoroki had prepared his favourite food. Waffles. As they were eating opposite each other he could hear Todoroki muttering to himself, he decided to listen in closely, his lack of vision raised his hearing, he smiled widely at what he heard.

"Hakuna matata...what a wonderful phrase..." he muttered to himself as he ate his waffles, "hakuna matata, aint no passing craze" he said, clearly trying to calm himself down to. 

It shocked Izuku. To see one of the bravest people he'd ever seen, so broke him. He should be the shaken one, he didn't want to think that he had caused this. He looked up to Shoto and sang.

"It means no worries...for the rest of your days" he sang gently

"It's our problem free, philosophy" he continued

"Hakuna Matata" they sang together.

Todoroki leapt across the table and picked up Izuku and hugged him tightly. They both knew they didn't have to say anything. They both gently swayed together, calming each other down. They stayed like this for a while, just gently swaying and hugging and singing together. 

And they loved it

"Hakuna matata..."


WOW!!! I DIDN'T EXPECT THIS CHAPTER TO BE SO LONG!! sorry about all the constant lion king references, but they are important to the plot i promise, they come into play later.



<3 <3 <3

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