Chapter 17: Reunited

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"Pizza delivery" boomed a voice

The villains all looked at each other in confusion, all shrugging. Before the wall burst into smithereens.

"FEAR NOT MIDORIYA! I AM HERE" boomed All Might as he crashed through the wall, villains flew in all directions.

"Haha...goodbye" said All for One. All might snapped his head in the direction of all for ones voice, watching the screen his face was on snap away. He was never there.

"All might?" whimpered Izuku

"Yes young midoriya, it's me, i am here to fend off these villains while your...friend assists you!" said All Might, as he began throwing villains all around him.




Izuku could feel his restraints being loosened, a smile stretched across his face as he could feel the presence of Todoroki. He could feel his body being raised as he was taken away from the battle field. 

"Are you okay?" asked Todoroki, "i was so worried..." he pulled Izuku into the tightest hug he'd ever felt. Izuku wrapped his small arounds around Todoroki, letting everything that had happened fade to dust. All that mattered now to him was Todoroki. 

"I'm fine...i can't really see visions all quirk lets me see when its we have permission to fight?" asked Izuku

"Yes" said Todoroki

"Then lets fucking destroy them" said Izuku, a huge grin growing across his face

"god i love it when you swear"

Green lightning swarmed around Izuku's body as flames burst out of Todoroki's left side. Izuku's once blackened vision sprung to life, he soon could see the outlines and figures of the villains around him, he could see the blurred lines of the obstacles around him, he could feel the presence of Todoroki.

The two jumped off from the balcony they sat at and sprung into action. Izuku landed on a villains head before he picked him up and slammed him into a wall, he then leaped across and punched another villain in the stomach.

"It's an honour to fight alongside you young midoriya" said All Might with a powerful laugh

"ohmygod" blurted Izuku, his face going as red as the sun. 

Todoroki slammed his foot into the ground, villains were pulled off the ground and frozen in place for Todoroki to burn them, several were blasted in different directions and frozen to the walls. 

Suddenly a huge banging at the door interrupted this triumphant moment. Several grotesque creatures stumbled into the warehouse, before charging at full pace towards all might and the boys.

"Nomu!" yelled Izuku

"Focus attention on them!" yelled All Might

The trio leapt towards the Nomu, izuku leaping from wall to wall and punching them in the face, Todoroki using all his flame powers to fry the nomus, all might was pulling no punches, destroying every nomu with a sheer flick of his finger. 

"Izuku go!" yelled Todoroki

Izuku ran over to Todoroki and did a backflip, he landed on Todorokis back before springing off and spun around before activating one for all at a high percent, he snapped his finger and blasted the Nomus at the wall, knocking them all unconscious.

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