Chapter 2: Battle For Jiltren City

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Skyler, George, and Ben duck behind some Quell cars. They're similar to Earth cars, except they can fly at any given moment and have built in weaponry such as missles and a self destruct button used during times of war by civilians. Victorian soldiers close in on Skyler, George, and Ben. "By law and order of Ray Rodgers, surrender!" Commander Julian of the 56th Victorian legion shouts as the group of soldiers aim guns and rockets at the cars. "How about no?" George asks rhetorically as he tosses a grenade at Julian. Julian barely survives the explosion and is put into a coma. Ben and Skyler jump up from behind the cars and shoot at the soldiers with rockets. The other soldiers open fire, George tosses a Quell cover. A blue, deployable, holographic cover that spans ten yards. The bullets are stopped by the cover and George tosses another grenade. A few soldiers die, about three are put into comas. George, Ben, and Skyler assume everyone is dead, so they push on towards the Jiltren dome.

"How goes the attack?" Ray asks as he looks over the destruction while he, Sheila, and Lewal stand on top of a skyscraper east of the dome. "It's going well. According to our spies, the pockets of resistance are bickering amongst themselves because they can't trust anyone due to all the people that betrayed their empire." Sheila explains. "This is happening on all 33 planets under Quell control." Lewal explains. "Even Grotia?" Ray asks. "Yes, even Grotia. In fact, the Grotians will most likely all be killed because none decided to join our cause." Sheila explains. "That's their problem." Ray says.

"What's the plan?" George asks. "We didn't need one when we overthrew Sheila, we don't need one now." Ben says as a tank turns a street corner and runs into them. The tank is outfitted with Quell weaponry and armor, but it's a Victorian tank. "Shit!" Ben shouts as the tank hatch opens to reveal the bartender of the bar Skyler, George, and Ben go to. "Hey guys!" Lucine Khachater, a female Grotian and owner of the Giant Grotian bar, says happily. "Hi." Skyler, George, and Ben say relieved it's her. "If you're wondering how I know how to use this tank, that's because I used to be a mechanic from the Grotian army. I fixed a ton of tanks, which would require knowledge on how to use them." Lucine explains. "I don't really care, but okay." Skyler says. George punches him. "Don't be a dick." Ben whispers into his ear. The trio get into the tank, Ben gets on the turret, and they drive towards the Dome.

At the Dome they run into the Quell army gunning down Victorian soldiers. The Dome's shields are still up, but are beginning to turn red which signifies they're about to lower. The Quell and Victorian fleets are still fighting above the planet. "Don't shoot!" Lucine shouts as she opens the tank hatch. "Who are you?" General Holt, the best Grotian general Quell has, asks as his soldiers aim guns at her. "She's with us." George says as the trio exit the tank.

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