Chapter 14: All Paths Converge Part 1

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"We need to leave!" Cassidy, Jessica's second in command, shouts as Quell Empire forces are pushed back from the capital building on Quirton to the Quirton spaceport. "I know!" Lucine says jumping behind a destroyed car. Holt jumps over the car also and both of them hold of Regime forces for the retreating Quell forces. "Then, let's go!" Cassidy shouts. "We need to hold off Sheila's forces!" Lucine shouts. "We also can't lose Quirton like this." Cassidy says. "It doesn't matter, we'll reclaim it once Sheila is dead." Lucine says as the last Quell soldier gets inside the spaceport. Cassidy and Lucine run into the spaceport and barricade the entrance.

Holt's fleet is the first to arrive. They arrive shortly after Tony and his crew arrived, so Tony is caught in the crossfire. "Stupid fricken Planetary Regime and Quell Empire! They always got to fight when I'm earning one trillion Regime credits!" Tony shouts as he barely manages to pilot his ship into Celestial's hanger bay. John, Jasmine, Jacob, and Tony grab their weapons and make their way towards Sheila's office. Holt's fleet quickly takes out part of Celestial's defenses. Brandon makes his way to the defense station and activates the Quell cannons and Quell shields. Holt retreats his fleet to be out of range of the cannons. "How are we going to take that shield down?" Holt asks Jessica over a holocall. "My flagship has a P.B.C on it, so I believe I can take it down when I arrive." Jessica explains. "Alright, cool." Holt says hanging up. 

"I see Tony failed to kill you." Sheila says not surprised. Photon puts a gun to Lewal's head. "Kill her and I kill him." Photon says. "You're going to kill me robot?! Oh no!" Ray shouts sarcastically. "Photon, I love you." Sheila says as Ray shoots her. Her body falls out of her window and lands in the Hanger bay. Tony and his crew rush in right afterwards to find a grieving Photon while Ray and Lewal search the office. "What happened here?!" Tony asks giving away their element of surprise. "Does this always happen?" Jacob asks. "Yeah, every time." Jasmine says. "The person who paid you is dead." Ray says hoping he doesn't have to kill Tony and his crew. "Oh, well then. Crew, let's go spend our two trillion credits!" Tony shouts happily. Jacob, Jasmine, and John stop him at the entrance to Sheila's office. "Fine." Tony says writing them each 20 million credit checks. The crew turns around to find a bunch of Regime soldiers. "Great." John says annoyed.

Sheila gets up and rips off her forehead revealing a bunch of cybernetics and Mark XI Quell armor, only used by the highest of Quell officials. "Sorry, Photon." Sheila says as she replaces her forehead and escapes with a Regime starfighter. She warps to Earth where she has a ruined 2017 house in a town formerly called Marysville, it's filled with tons of weapons and supplies to help her survive for the rest of her days.

Jessica's fleet arrives next and Jessica instantly fires her P.B.C. It brings Celestial's shields down to 50%. The Quell cannons open fire on Jessica's fleet. She attempts to retreat, but all of the Regime ships appear which prevents her retreat. The Regime fleet also attempts, and succeeds, to push Holt's fleet into range of the Quell cannons. Both fleets are getting shredded. "What now?!" Holt asks over a holocall. "I... I.. I don't know." Jessica says afraid as the shields and cannons explode. "Missed me?!" Robert, Lexan, and Samantha asks joining the holocall while they stands over a Regime soldier's body that's inside the defense room. "You guys are alive?!" Jessica asks shocked as the Quell cannons reactivate and fire upon the Regime fleets. "Sheila kept us around just in case Ray found his way into the station and killed her." Lexan explains. "I guess that Photon guy really changed her, she was going to kill us up until that guy saved us." L Robert explains. "Good to see you all again, thanks for the assist." Holt says as the Quell fleets open fire on Regime fleets.

"Lucine, ma'am, we need to get our few ships to Celestial." Cassidy says while survivors get aboard their last few battle cruisers. "Why's that?" Lucine asks. "Parker, Skyler, and Ben's fleets are almost there and every last Regime ship is present." Cassidy says as he watches Jessica's live feed of the battle. "Get everyone there immediately!" Lucine orders. "Understood, ma'am." Cassidy says. He orders everyone to get on as quickly as possible.

Parker's fleet arrives next. Parker destroys enough Regime ships to give Quell ships an escape route if they need it. "Good job Parker!" Holt says as Parker joins the holocall. "Thanks." Parker says happily. 

Photon gets up and wipes his tears from his eyes. He grabs Ray's gun, which he dropped and shoots Ray. Ray falls into the hanger bay and Lewal attacks Photon. He pushes Lewal into the wall, drops the gun, and throws a punch at Lewal. Lewal dodges and calls in one of his mechs. It lands outside of the office, killing all the Regime soldiers, and tearing a hole through a couple floors of Celestial. Tony jumps into the mech and he and his crew run to his ship. "God damn you!" Lewal shouts. "We've met god, bud, I don't want him to damn me!" Tony shouts. Photon grabs Lewal and throws him into the hanger bay. Ray and Lewal survive, barely. Brandon finds Lewal and Ray and drags them onto his ship which has a med bay. 

Tony's crew and Brandon escape Celestial, both taking minor damage to their ship's. Tony and his crew head to the Zaleth black market, and Brandon heads to Quirton.

Regime soldiers rush to the defense room. They find a battle ready Lexan, Robert, and Samantha. Each of them throw a grenade and kill all the regime soldiers. "That was actually really easy." Lexan says. "You don't say." Samantha says. 

The Regime ships retreat to Quirton, by order of Ray. Ben and Skyler's fleet attempt to intercept the Regime ships, but only shoot down a few. "So, we're going to Quirton?" Ben asks as Lucine and her few ships arrive and she joins the holocall. "Yes, yes we are." Lucine says.

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