Chapter 9: Diplomatic Issues

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After Quell was reclaimed the entire Planetary Alliance was called to Celestial. The governors of every planet and the leaders of every system were attending to discuss what to do when it comes to reclaiming the rest of the Quell territories. Trite's governor is the child of Robert and Lilith, Brandon Broth. About 14 years earlier the two had an affair, but ended it after Brandon was born and neither wanted to be in a family. The governor of the entire Earth solar system, aside from Earth, was Lexan's father, Sam, before he passed away due to lung cancer. Lexan has controlled the entire Earth system since Sam's death. Salem, on the other hand, has had a change of leadership due to the impeachment of Prime Minister Sernin after he embezzled two million dollars into Ghost Incorporated. Ghost Incorporated is a company that deals in the shadows, no knows much about them. The new leader of Salem is Jtarcia, a Salem native that's helped a bunch since James and Michelle originally met him before the Deity's first coming. 

As the leaders and governors of the Planetary Alliance come together, Ray prepares his forces, that have 100 percent control over the other 32 Quell planets, for war. He watches the live broadcasting of the meeting with a stern eye. So does Sernin, Lewal, and Sheila. "Welcome, Sernin." Lewal says as he opens the door to his house on Grotia for Sernin. "What did you need me for?" Sernin asks still angry at Lewal for attempting to kill him during the Reston incident. "I'll tell you after the meeting." Lewal says as he cracks open a beer and starts drinking it. Sernin does the same and the two sit on Lewal's couch. 

The leaders and governors make their way to their stands. Robert and Lilith sit next to each other, and come from the same planet, so they are walking with each other. They run into Brandon. "Hello." Brandon says. "Hi, son." Robert says awkwardly. "What's up?" Lilith asks. "Just going to my stand." Brandon says as he walks away. "He's mature for a 14 year old." Robert says. "Reston humans mature faster than normal, how old do you think Tristan was when he started Grave Industries, or Melissa when she took over?" Lilith asks rhetorically. "Like around 30 or 40." Robert guesses. "Wrong, both barely out of their twenties." Lilith says as they resume walking. "I was almost 60 when I became king." Robert says shocked. "I was almost 60 during our war." Lilith says. "Yeah." Robert says as they reach their stands. "We should've stayed together, for Brandon." Lilith says. "Yeah, we should've." Robert says as Lexan, Samantha, and Jtarcia get to their stands. Lucine, Photon, Holt, George, Ben, and Skyler are sitting at a table facing the entire council. Parker is in the room next to the meeting observing what happens from there.

"Leaders and governors of the Planetary Alliance, we have come together today to discuss what happens next when it comes to Quell." Lexan says into a mic. "The Alliance is still recovering from the loss of two leaders, I don't think now is the time to intervene in a war that isn't our own." Jtarcia says. James and Michelle watch with their child, Caroline, from their house and are confused on why Jtarcia wouldn't want to help Quell. "Don't forget that we already intervened." Brandon points out. "That was on the authority of the leaders." Samantha argues. "I thought the rules were simple, the Alliance must agree before intervening." Jtarcia retorts. "That is the rule, yes." Robert says. "Then why did you not call upon Brandon and I when you decided to risk our best general's life?" Jtarcia asks. Jessica, John, and Jasmine are shocked that Jtarcia said that, they think Jtarcia doubts Jessica's skill at being a general. "They are the last second to last piece of the puzzle! We need to find and stop the Hive, you know that! Quell is apart of that just as much as us, they're allies, so we helped!" Lexan argues. "Yet, you did not consult us, are we not important?" Brandon retorts. Lilith looks at Brandon angrily. "Do you have something to add, mother?" Brandon asks noticing the look. All eyes and cameras focus on Lilith.

"Who taught you to be a snot nosed jerk?" Lilith asks. "You and dad did." Brandon says. Robert and Lilith are shocked. The citizens of the Alliance begin to side with Jtarcia and Brandon. "I think, it's time for a change in leadership." Brandon suggests. "Our way of government hasn't worked recently, mostly because some of us don't know how to consult the rest. I vote that there should be one leader, a dictator." Jtarcia says with Brandon's approval. "There's four of us, and two of you. Our votes win." Samantha says prematurely. "She's right." Lexan, Robert, and Lilith say. "Then we'll make it a people's vote. Shall we continue this flawed government or see it turned into a regime that will save us all from the future battle with the Hive?" Brandon says. The vote is quickly set up and held. Brandon won. 

"Oh shit." Jessica says in shock. "What happened?" Tony asks as he walks out of Jessica's kitchen with some bacon. "We're working for a regime." Jessica says. "Son of a bitch." Tony says. 

"This isn't good!" James says angrily. "What's going to happen, daddy?" Caroline, who's only five and doesn't know better, asks. "Nothing good, sweetie." James says.

"We're screwed, if that guy's leading, we're actually screwed." Mr. George says as he holds Kyler who's asleep. "I have a feeling he isn't in charge." Melissa says.

"That's unexpected, but good." Ray says happily. 

"Thank you for the embezzled money, Sernin." Lewal says as he shoots Sernin in the head with a gun he had in his pocket.

"I vote that my dear friend, Sheila, be voted in as our first dictator." Brandon says as Sheila walks into the room. Lucine, Photon, Holt, George, Ben, and Skyler look over in shock and terror. "Miss me?" Sheila asks rhetorically. 

Melissa, Mr. George, Jessica, Tony, James, Lexan, Robert, Lilith, Lucine, Photon, Holt, George, Ben, and Skyler all jump up from their seats when they see Sheila in person or on television. Sheila shoots Lilith in the head and Lexan in the leg. She looks at Photon and Holt who pull out guns. "Drop it!" Holt yells. Parker runs in from the other room and pulls a gun on Sheila. "I guess I have to. Brandon and Jtarcia pull out guns. Jtarcia shoots Parker's gun and then aims at Holt, Brandon aims his gun at Photon. Both of them have A-Class plasma rifles. Photon and Holt have F-Class pistols, 2017 Earth pistols that fire at 67 degrees Fahrenheit, barely enough to kill someone. 

"What's this?!" Ray asks in shock as Lewal kicks down his door. "Sheila is in command now." Lewal says as he knocks out Ray and ties him up to his own chair.

"Brandon, Jtarcia, shoot each other in the leg." Sheila orders. They comply. The bullet wounds reveal that they're robots, the same kind as Lewal is now. "With a few tweaks at their personality, they became the perfect people to infiltrate your alliance." Sheila says while Brandon and Jtarcia go back to aiming at Holt and Photon. "You won't get away with this!" Lucine shouts. "That's funny, because I already am in charge." Sheila says as she snaps her fingers and Planetary Alliance soldiers walk in and give Sheila a bag. "Their might be some resistance, but I don't think it'll matter when I have Quell's most sacred weapon." Sheila says as she pulls out a gauntlet and puts it on her right hand. Everyone watching is afraid, and will be loyal to Sheila because they can't and won't fight back. "I found this when I first rose to power, but it was never used until now." Sheila explains. "What is it?" George asks. "It's called The Gauntlet. After reviewing your alliance's history, thanks to Brandon and Jtarcia, I found out the man sneaking up on me with the staff has a weaker version of this artifact from the Deity himself." Sheila explains as she uses The Gauntlet's telekinesis to throw Jacob in front of Jtarcia. 

"How'd you know I was there, you bitch!" Jacob shouts. "I got a live feed of the room in my eye, it's the joy of having cybernetics." Sheila says as she takes off a cloak to reveal her left arm is mostly robotic. Everyone is stunned. No one knows what to do. "Are they dead?" Robert asks standing up. A soldier formerly loyal to Robert aims a gun at him. "Are who dead?" Sheila asks. "Brandon and Jtarcia, are they dead?" Robert asks angrier. "Well, of course. I couldn't create an A.I of them if they were alive." Sheila says. "You killed the woman I loved, my son, and a friend who I've worked closely with for 20 years." Robert says angrily. "So what?" Sheila asks. Robert grabs a gun that was on Lilith's corpse and fires a bullet at Sheila's head.

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