Teach Me to Love

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Hi Guys! okay so I told you I was going to have another story up soon and here it is! I hope you guys like it.. its not going to be your typical fan fic, but its still going to be funny and fun :)

I have a favor to ask! so you know how all of the authors on here have fun little names for their readers.... well I want one! So comment what you think i should call you guys and i will dedicate the next chapter to the winner! it can be anything!

Okay hope you like it! dont forget to comment/vote/ fan haha

Lots of Love

Emily xx


Elle’s POV

Los Angeles, California

2:20 AM

“Oh shit it’s hot in here!” I yelled over the pounding music. My drink sloshed around in the red plastic cup I had been handed when I first walked in. What am I even drinking I thought to myself taking another gulp. I searched the room for Jason who had said he was going to be right back. Giving up I downed the rest of my drink and leaned up against the wall. I picked up the nearest drink I could find and started sipping on it. This one was definitely stronger than the last one, not that it mattered to me. Around here you drank what was provided and didn’t complain. Or at least that’s what Jason always told me.

I let out a hiccup and pushed myself off the wall. I grabbed the nearest guy to me and dragged him to the dance floor. If this didn’t bring Jason out of his hiding place nothing would. I looped my arms around his neck and grinded up on him. The tall blonde boy gripped my hips pushing me forward. I grabbed the cup out of the person next to me hand and took a sip. I flipped my hair realizing how much I loved the song that was playing.

Suddenly a large hand gripped my arm and yanked me away from Mr. blondie. My eyesight blurred as I became face to face with a very angry Jason. I giggled watching my boyfriend turn into two people.

“Babe, I didn’t know you had a twin.” I slurred running my hand over his check. His jaw tightened as he pulled me out of the crowd. He threw me down onto the couch. I looked down avoiding his glare.

“Look at me.” He growled as he loomed over me. Slowly I looked up expecting the worse. I cringed as a forceful hand tore across my face. I knew better then to cry out so I held in my scream. My hand immediately flew to my injured face. I held in the tears not wanting to make him more angry.

“You are here with me, don’t forget that.” Jason spit at me. I nodded suddenly feeling too sober. Jason sat down next to me and threw his arm around me. He handed me a fresh drink and clinked his cup to mine. He placed a sloppy kiss on my cheek and grinned at me. I instantly gulped down my drink wanting to forget about what had just happened.

I loved Jason, I really did. I wanted to believe that he wasn’t always as abusive as he was, but it was getting hard. I tried to only let myself remember the sweet Jason who cuddled with me on the couch, and took me to parties, but lately I could only remember the darker side of him. The Jason that was overly jealous and angry all the time. The one that told me how worthless I was and how I bring the abuse upon myself. If only I wasn’t so god damn irritating then he wouldn’t have to hurt me.

I smiled back at Jason and leaned into him. The happy feelings were beginning to flood back to me. My head was beginning to feel light and everything was morphing together. I let out another hiccup and took another sip of my drink. The smoke of whatever Jason was smoking was drifting towards me. I coughed and batted the smoke away from me. Jason narrowed his eyes at me and held the out the joint to me.

“Here” He said forcefully. I hesitated before finally taking it from him. I knew better than to say no to Jason. I raised it to my lips and took a drag. The second the smoke hit my lungs I began choking. I coughed uncontrollably and handed it back to Jason. Jason laughed at me and smiled. He waited until I was done and said “ try one more time, I promise it gets better.” I sighed and took it back taking another drag.

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