Chapter 5

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Hi guys! So im sorry this chapter is so short, but im so tired and I dont know why! This is just a filler so nothing exciting happens, but stuff does soon I promise.

Any ways hope you enjoy :) im going to go take a nap haha

oh and I dedicated this chapter to @LouisHarryLarry because she always leaves me such nice comments :)

Anyway dont forget to comment/ vote

xx Emily


Harry’s POV

7:00 AM

“What the..” I grumbled turning over. Somewhere in the room there was a phone ringing but I was far too exhausted to go find out where. I flipped over pulling my pillow over my head. It didn’t work. I could still hear the constant stream of rings. I ran my fingers through my hair while sitting up.

“Alright. I give up!” I said to myself getting out of bed. I shuffled over to my bag to see if it was my cell phone. I threw it down in defeat seeing it wasn’t. I then walked out into the living room to see the phone was going crazy. I picked up the phone slowly.

“ Hello.” I answered coldly. I brought my hand up to my head. I could already feel the headache coming on,  and the brightness of the room wasn’t helping. Why is it so god damn bright? I thought.

“Hello Mr. Styles!” a very cheery woman’s voice greeted me “I would just like to let you know you have a therapy appointment in 30 Minutes.”

I sighed to myself trying not to get angry with the lady. “Thank you; I know where I need to be.” I said harshly before slamming the phone down. This must have been Mary’s doing, making sure I actually go to get the help instead of sleeping all day.

I walked back into my room to change into fresh clothes. I honestly didn’t care how people saw me here so I pulled on sweats and a tank top. I grabbed my sunglasses before walking out. It didn’t matter where I was, people always recognized me, and I didn’t feel like taking pictures right now.

I swung open my door and was greeted by the warm breeze. This is what I love about California, the weather was always nice. People here could go outside in tank tops and not freeze to death. Back home that wasn’t an option. Having less than a sweatshirt on was an accomplishment.  I began walking towards the main building trying to keep my head down.

You wouldn’t believe how many teenagers were here. I suppose I’m not the only one partying my way through life. I hustled past the pool area as fast as I could. It didn’t matter if the girls were here for help or not. They were still just as crazy as any other fan. Unfortunately the management here wasn’t helping me keep my low profile. They were always announcing where I was going to be so I could have it all to myself. Instead of preventing people from mobbing me, they were creating opportunities for it. 

I swung open the large doors to the main building. To my relief not that many people were in here, and the people who were didn’t look twice at me. I check my phone seeing how much time I had left. I had a good 10 minutes, enough time to get breakfast. My stomach grumbled in agreement. I narrowed in on a breakfast cart and began walking towards it. The girl at the register smiled and giggled at me as she saw me approaching.

“Hi love.” I said smiling back at her. “Just as coffee to go please and a muffin.” She nodded quickly before running off to grab my order. When she returned she winked at me before handing me my drink. I glanced down at the cup to see her number scrawled across the side. I shook my head and laughed trying to keep a good mood. “Thank you.” I said before walking away.

Honestly people were relentless. I was here to get help, and she was hitting on me. Instead of flattering me, this only annoyed me. Why couldn’t people understand I was just a normal guy? I pulled my phone out to glance at the time. “shit.” I cursed under my breath. If I didn’t hurry I was going to be late.

Just as I began putting my phone away I crashed into someone sending hot coffee all over me. “Jesus Christ!” I yelled out trying to pull the now scalding shirt over my head.

“Of course, of course!” The other person yelled. I looked up to see the girl from yesterday wiping at her drenched shirt. Her face fell when she looked up at me. Her eyes became slits as she glared at me.

“Honestly what is with you? Do you enjoy running into me?” she hissed at me. She didn’t seem at all phased by the fact that I had no shirt on.

“You ran into me both times.” I corrected her.

Her eyes widened and her cheeks started to turn red. “I ran into you?” She yelled at me. “You are unbelievable.”

I chuckled to myself. This girl was the unbelievable one. No one had ever spoken to me like she does. Everyone was always trying to make themselves appeal to me or try to fit in with me. It was nice having someone actually be themselves for once. The girl looked up to see me staring at her and raised her eyebrows at me. “Are you going to apologize or not?”  She jeered at me.

I smirked and held out my muffin to her. “Would you like this?” I asked her.

She looked at the bag and then back at me. “I don’t want your damn muffin.” She growled before starting to walk away. I watched her suddenly pause and turn back around. She walked up to me and grabbed the bag from my hand before storming off for the second time.

“You’re welcome.” I called after her. Without turning around she flipped me off. I laughed to myself. I was going to have to learn that girl’s name.

Elle’s POV

That guy was unbelievable I thought to myself taking a bite of the muffin. I chewed angrily still not believing he crashed into me again. I go out to get coffee and instead of drinking it, I end up wearing it. Great, just great.

I opened the door and pulled off my shirt. “What are you doing?” Tris asked laughing.

“ I’ll explain in a sec.” I said running to my room to grab a new shirt. When I came back out I crashed onto the couch next to her. “Your little pop star ran into me again this morning.” I announced taking another bite of my muffin.

“What happened?” She asked excitedly.

I shrugged “he was on his phone and ran into me, causing us both to get coffee down the front of us. I got a muffin out of it though”

Trise laughed and took a chunk of the muffin. “Blueberry, I like his taste.” She giggled. I rolled my eyes looking at my new found friend. My eyebrows knitted together as I looked at her. Her face seemed skinner than it had when I first got here, and the bags around her eyes seem darker.

“You feeling okay?” I asked her. Without missing a beat Tris replied “of course.” She stood up and walked into her room. When she returned she was holding yoga matt and was in yoga clothes.

“You have to come with me yoga on the beach is the best!” she said while filling up her water bottle.

“I think I’ll pass. I’m going to get a massage I think.” I said smiling to myself.

“Whatever floats your boat. Try not to run into Harry again.” She teased before slipping out the door.

I rolled my eyes. Hopefully I wouldn’t have to deal with him anymore.

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