Chapter 20

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Hey guys! Im sorry its been awhile sense I last updated, and i'm sorry this chapter is so short. its all I had time to write today. Anyway I dont have much to say, Im kinda in a hurry!

Talk to you all soon! Love each one of you! enjoy the chapter ;)

Emily xx


Harry’s POV

“Elle, are you sure you don’t want to come with us?” I asked hesitating at the door.

“You go. Have fun with your friends.” She said from the couch. She smiled at me and shooed to me go.

“Are you alright?” I asked. She had been acting strange lately, she didn’t even want to kiss me goodnight yesterday. I was starting to feel a little afraid that it was something Louis had said to her.

“Harry I’m fine! Go!” she said laughing at me.

I sighed and closed the door turning to the lads. “Where are we going?” I asked shoving my hands into my pockets.

“We could just go wander around, go look for a place to eat.” Liam suggested shrugging his shoulders.

“This is going to be interesting” Niall laughed as we began to walk out.

I held back a little so that I could talk to Louis. I nudged him when the lads were far enough to hear “Hey Did you say something to Elle last night?” I asked him.

Louis gave me a look “I told her the truth.” He said casually.

I gritted my teeth “And what’s the truth?” I asked slowly.

“Harry, I’m not doing this.” He said trying to brush past me.

I grabbed his arm trying to stop him “Lou, I really like this girl.” I started.

“I know, but I just think-“Louis interrupted.

“No Lou, I really like her. So you need to be nice to her. I’m serious.” I said before walking ahead of him.

“Let’s just get something here” Liam asked pointing to a small café. We ducked inside before anyone had a chance of noticing us. It was pretty dangerous for us to walk around in a group together without a body guard. We all learned our lesson after the Liam and Niall mob scene.

“So tell us about her.” Zayn said after we finished ordering.

I sighed. Where to begin? “She’s interesting and funny and cheeky. Doesn’t have a problem telling me off.” I laughed “likes me for me, not One Direction me.” I said glancing at Louis. “She’s had a bit of an abusive past, so I try to be gentle with her. I think I’m good for her.”

“Abusive past?” Niall asked.

“Yeah from her boyfriend. Son of a bitch beat the poor girl.” I said looking down. I could never imagine laying a hand on her in an unloving way.

“Well I like her, she made me food.” Niall said with a laugh.

“I like her too. She’s different from the other girls you’ve dated.” Liam said smiling.

Louis cleared his throat “but isn’t dating a girl from rehab a bit dodgy?”

“I know her pretty well Lou.” I said turning to look at him.

“Well I mean, was she really abused, or did she do this to herself?” he said shrugging.

My mouth fell open “Honestly what’s wrong with you? You have been a complete dick the while time you’ve been here.” I yelled at him.

The table fell silent as they waited for Louis to respond. This was so strange, usually we never fought.

“Harry what are we doing?” He asked in a quiet voice. “We never fight.”

I faltered looking down “I don’t know.” I mumbled.

“Maybe it’s time for you to come home?” he suggested with a weak smile.

“I can’t leave her.” I said shutting my eyes.

“Harry, you’re going to have to come home eventually. We are going to have to start work back up soon and we can’t do that without you.” Louis said getting serious. “Elle will be alright without you.”

I remained silent letting what he was saying sink in. Louis was right, I was going to have to leave eventually.

Elle’s POV

I sat on the couch flipping through the channels on the TV. They were all crap. I got up and went to knock on Tris’s door. “Are you going to get up sometime today?” I laughed.

“I am up!” she yelled at me. I pushed the door open, revealing Tris tying her shoes. She stood up, sporting her workout clothes. “Figured I’d go for a run, Haven’t gone in a while. Do you want to come with me?” she asked with a hopefully smile.

I scoffed leaning up against the door frame “yeah right.” I said rolling my eyes. “Because you know how much I love to exercise.”

“Fine, suit yourself.” She said pushing past me. She ran out the door, leaving me to an empty room. I really hated this place when I was alone, it seemed more ominous.

A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts. I laughed looking down at the table. Tris had forgotten her key. I picked it up and jogged over to the door. “You’re so stupid sometime-“I started looking up. My voice caught in my throat as I looked at the face of the person standing in front of me.

“Jason?” I breathed.

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