Chapter 12

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Hey Guys! im sorry this chapter is so short, but its just a filler! Some good stuff comes soon I promise!

anyway enjoy! dont forget to Comment/ vote! oh yeah and i found this really great song which I thought fit Teach Me to Love perfectly, so Ill leave it on the side. okay enough talking go read!

Emily xx


Harry’s POV

“Good morning!” I announced walking into Elle’s and Tris’s room.

Tris was sat on the couch, her normal spot, eating a bowl of cereal. “You left something here last night Styles.” She said nodding towards my jacket.

“Is my cell phone in there?” I asked setting down Elle’s coffee.

“mhm. Liam called for you last night.” She said draining her bowl.

I raised my eyebrow at her “you talked to him?” I asked smirking.

She shot me a look “the phone rang so I answered it. By the way when is the next time their coming down?” she asked getting up to put her bowl in the sink.

“I’m not sure, why?” I asked skeptically.

“Just wondering.” She said while putting her shoes on. “ I’m going out. Elle is still asleep.” She said walking out the door.

“you’re always so busy.” I said chuckling.

She winked at me before closing the door. I shook my head and picked up Elle’s coffee. I walked towards her room opening the door with my elbow. Elle was still passed out in the same position I left her last night.

I sat down in the chair next to the bed setting one coffee down. With my free hand I touched her hair lightly trying to wake her up. “Love, get up.” I said ruffling her hair.

She groaned “I feel terrible harry.” She whined lifting her head up slightly.

“What’s the matter?” I asked handing her a coffee. She made a face at me and immediately reached for the other taking it out of my hand.

“Why do you always do that?” I asked rolling my eyes.

“Do what?” she asked propping herself up on her elbows.

“Take my coffee.” I said making a face at her.

She made a face right back “Because you always pick out the worst kind for me.”

“I do not.” I mumbled taking a sip of the coffee meant for her. I made a face trying to keep it down. Alright maybe I do. I set it down and leaned forward. “ so what’s wrong?” I asked again.

“My head is pounding, my stomach feels sour, I’m freezing…” she cut herself off taking a sip of the drink. Her face immediately paled. I took it from her hands.

“Maybe some water would be better.” I suggested getting up to go get some. When I came back into the room she was flopped back down on the bed. I handed the water to her trying to keep from laughing at her distraught state.

“You left me last night.” She mumbled taking the water from me. She glanced up at me quickly and then dropped her eyes.

I laughed “love, you were absolutely passed out. You even let go of my hand.” I said smoothing out her hair.

“I did?” she asked locking eyes with me.

My mouth dried as I looked back at her. Even when she was sick, she still seemed so pretty to me. Her hair was slightly ruffled, and her cheeks were flushed. She wore no makeup, which in my opinion really suited her. She raised an eyebrow at me waiting for me to answer.

I coughed running my hands through my hair “uh yeah you did.” I looked down at my feet embarrassed that she had totally caught me staring at her.

She laughed causing me too look up “you always run your fingers through your hair when you’re nervous.” She observed laughing to herself.

I narrowed my eyes at her “I do not.”

“Do too.” She shot back sticking her tongue out at me.

I stood up “alright if you’re well enough to argue with me you’re well enough to go out.”

“No I don’t feel good. I’m staying here.” She whined pulling the covers up to her eyes.

I put my hands on my hips. “Come on well just go for a walk or something. Fresh air will be good. Now where are your jumpers so we can bundle you up?”

She started at me for a second before answering. “There in the bottom drawer. I like the big cream colored one.”

I went to the bottom drawer getting out the one she asked for. I picked it up and tossed it at her.

“I swear you act like an over protective brother.” She grumbled pulling it over her hair.

I chuckled darkly to myself and shook my head. That’s not something I want her to see me as.

“Alright let’s go.” I said walking over to her bed and pulling the covers off of her.

“I’m not going.” She said stubbornly crossing her arms.

“Stop acting like a 2 year old and get up.” I said flatly.

“No, I hate you and I’m not going.” She said raising an eyebrow at me.

I threw my head back. Why was she so god damn difficult all the time? “Fine if you won’t go voluntarily, I’ll just pick you up and carry you.”  

“You will not.” She said challenging me.

I smirked and dove at her picking her up bridal style. She flailed in my arms before going completely limp. And when I say limp I’m not kidding, like her head was thrown back and everything.

 I rolled my eyes and started for the door “you are so dramatic.” I said moving so I wouldn’t hit her head on the door frame.

When we got outside she straightened up and wrapped her arm around my neck. She leaned into my chest and stayed quite. “You must really not be feeling well if you’re this quite.” I teased.

“Shut up.” She grumbled poking my chest. We were only walking for a little bit when suddenly Elle spoke up.

“Harry put me down.” She whispered.

“How come?” I asked continuing to walk.

“Put me down!” she shrieked.  I stopped walking and set her on the ground. The moment her feet touched the ground she dashed over to the stone wall dividing the beach and the pathway and got sick.

I waited until she was finished to speak up “you alright?”

She turned back around wiping her mouth off. She looked as pale as a ghost. “Take me back to my room.” she moaned.

“I think maybe you should go see the doctor.” I said picking her back up. This time she went limp without pretending. I started walking to the main building.

When I pushed through the door I immediately went to Jessica’s office. “Jessica?” I called.

Jessica walked out smiling but immediately stopped when she saw Elle. “Elle what’s the matter?”

“I think she should see the doctor.” I answered for her. “She just threw up outside.”

“yes of course well get you in right now. Harry put her down here.” She said pointing to the couch.

I set Elle down and smiled. “They’re going to make you feel better.” I said brushing the hair from here face.

“Don’t leave me this time.” She whispered closing her eyes.

“Never.” I whispered back grasping onto her hand.

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