Chapter 15

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Hey guys! This chapter is short, I know, but its really just a filler until the good stuff ;)

So the winner of my contest for this chapter is...... HideSeek1313!

She sent in some fabulous Fan Art, which i'll leave on the side for you all to see! More winners to come!! :)

Anyways I hope you like this chapter :) Send in more Fan Art if you want to win a chapter!

Talk to you lovelies soon. :)

P.S. I love you

Emily xx


Harry’s POV

“Uh, Harry?” Elle called as she stepped through the door.

 I looked over my shoulder to see Elle hovering around the door awkwardly. “Yeah?” I asked.

Elle cleared her throat. “So, my mom and my little sister are here!” she blurted out.

I turned around completely to look at her. “You mean like here here?” I asked.

She nodded quickly and glanced at the door. “They are going to be staying for the day and then the night.” She bit her lip nervously as she looked at me.

“Alright, where are they?” I asked giving her a look.

“There outside. I wanted to prepare you. My mom doesn’t know my roommate is a guy!” She shot at me.

I chuckled. “Let your mum in.” I said shaking my head at her.

Elle reached for the door swinging it open. “Come on in guys.” She said holding the door open for them. I stood awkwardly by the couch as they entered the room. Her mum eyed me and then looked over at Elle.

“Mom, Jess, this is Harry. He is staying with me while my roommate Tris is getting better.” Elle said slowly. She looked over at me once again biting her lip.

I shuffled forward holding my hand out to her mum. “Hello.” I said smiling at her. She shook my hand tentatively then placed in back on her little sister’s shoulder.

“Hi there.” I said smiling at Jess. Not only was I used to older girls screaming over me, but also the little ones as well.

“I like your hair.” Jess announced smiling up at me.

Elle shook her head as I laughed. “Thank you; it is rather curly isn’t it?” I said touching my head.

“Well, Elle, we were hoping we’d be able to take you to lunch.” Elle’s mum suddenly spoke up.

“Yeah sounds good.” Elle said. “Let me go get my bag.”

Her mum watched me as I leaned up against the counter. “You can join us if you’d like Harry.” She said before walking out of the room.

Elle came back into the room. “Are you coming?” She asked as she walked to the door.

I hesitated. “I don’t know, I wouldn’t want to draw extra attention.”  

“Just come on.” She said rolling her eyes at me.

I sighed. “Alright, but I don’t want to hear complaints when your picture is all over Twitter.”


I hid my face as best I could as we walked into the restaurant. The Waitress at the front’s jaw dropped as she saw me. I smiled at her awkwardly as Elle’s mum gave me a strange look.

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