Chapter 9

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Hey guys! So this chapter isnt super exciting... its a filler. But I hope you still like it!

Tomorrow I finsih summer school meaning im going to have a lot more time to write! Get excited haha. Not sure If im going to update tomorrow, because I might be hanging out with a friend. SO if not I might upload Sunday or Monday it all just depends.

Anyways hope you enjoy this chapter. I thought it was cute... :)

Dont forget to comment/ vote please and thank you

Emily xx


Harry’s POV

I took a sip of my coffee while I walked out to the balcony. I did my best to step over the various bodies strewn across my floor. The boys had decided to crash here for the night and it was still fairly early so no one was awake yet. I closed the door as quietly as I could and sat down. I looked out towards the beach hoping I could convince Elle to go down with me.

I laughed to myself suddenly seeing Elle and Tris walk out onto the beach with a yoga class. This was going to be good I thought to myself. Elle looked up and caught my eye. I waved at her and smiled. She hid her face not wanting to me to see her blush. I gave her a thumbs up before taking another sip.

“You’re up early.” Louis said from behind me. He came and sat down in the chair next to me kicking his legs up on the rail.

“Yeah I know, I’ve been having a hard time sleeping in lately.” I answered while watching Elle stretched out.

Louis followed my gaze to Elle and shook his head. “Just friends huh?” he asked flatly.

“Just friends.” I confirmed.

“I still don’t think it’s a good idea.” He said looking over at me.

“She doesn’t even know who we are, Louis. And you don’t even know her.” I said locking eyes with him. I’m tired of Louis playing the older brother act. I could take care of myself.

Louis sighed and looked back out towards the water. “We just want you to get help and then come home.” He said coldly.

“Is it so bad for me to make new friends? Normal people who actually want to get to know me. It’s the perfect situation; she didn’t even know who I was. She likes me because I’m Harry the person, not Harry from One Direction.” I shot at him standing up.

I closed the door behind me and walked into the living room. Liam looked up at me sleepily. “Why are you up?” he asked stretching.

“Couldn’t sleep I suppose.” I said tripping over Niall. Niall groaned and sat up.

“What do you guys want to do today? You’re staying for the today right?” I asked sitting down next to Liam.

“We should check out the beach.” Niall said letting out a big yawn.

“Great and you guys can meet a friend of mine.” I said smiling.

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