Chapter 23

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Hey guys! hope you love this chapter... were nearing the end :( only a few more to go. But I do have The Way I Loved You up now so hopefully you can all enjoy that story as much as you did this one once this one ends... was that confusing? haha

Anyways sorry I dont have as much time to update these days. School is exhausting haha. Anyway thank you all who contiune to vote and read and comment and fan me. I love you all more than you know! :)

I got to run! dinner time! Wish I had more time to talk to you all. :( Well talk when I have more time!

Love you all lots! please dont forget to comment/ vote

Emily xx


Elle’s POV

I lay in bed staring up at the sealing with Jason’s hot body wound around mine. Emotionless was what I was. He had beaten everything out of me. I didn’t care about anything anymore. The only thing I cared about was getting Jason off of me.  I slowly turned my head to the side to see the purple splotch blooming on my arm. I trailed my eyes further down looking at the trail of finger shaped bruises he left on my skin.

Slowly I brought my free hand up to my head running my fingers across my forehead. Wincing at the at the pain I felt the dry blood around my hair line. He really was angry last night.

“Tell me about this Harry.” He growled in my ear shoving me up against the counter in the kitchen.

“What do you want to know?’ I asked coolly trying not to move in his tight grip.

“I want to know why you said his name so many times last night in your sleep.” He spit at me. I could feel his hot breath down my neck. I froze, my eyes widening.

“He’s not important.” I said searching his face.

“Do you not love me Elle?” he asked suddenly.

I faltered for an answer. I earned a hard slap across the face for not answering quickly enough.

“Answer me.” He yelled tightening his grip on my arm.

“Baby, of course I love you.” I said, my voice cracking, as I tried to hold back tears. It was a lie, all of it.

“You lying bitch.” He hissed throwing me against the nearest wall. My back cracked as I hit. I slid down in pain still trying to hold back tears. Suddenly his shoe came down hard onto my head, pinning me to the ground.

“Tell me he was nothing.” He growled.

“He was nothing.” I whimpered in pain.

“Tell me you hate him.” He said glaring down at me.

I took a shaky breath unable to do as he said. “I hate him.” I said firmly.

Jason kicked off my head sending it hard against the wall. My vision blurred as I felt the warm blood start to come to the surface. “Now you’re going to prove how much you love me.” He said picking me up by my hair.

I stumbled behind him as he dragged me to the bedroom. If only this nightmare would end.

Jason suddenly moved, tearing me from my thoughts. He nuzzled his head into my chest as he looked up at me. His eyebrows furrowed as he slowly brought his hand up to touch my face. Panic flashed across his face as he looked at me. “Baby, who did this to you?” he asked in a concerned tone.

I took a deep breath preparing an answer; he always forgot what he did. It was like he became another person entirely. “Don’t worry about it love.” I said flatly.

Once Jason had unwrapped himself from me, I crawled out of bed wrapping the sheet around me. Jason followed after me. He walked over to me pulling me into his chest “Last night was fun.” He murmured into my hair. I let out a dark chuckle and wrapped my arms around myself instead of him.

“I’m going to go take a shower.” He said kissing me on top of my head. I nodded and started getting dressed once he had closed the door. I fumbled around my drawers, pulling out a pair of sweats and a sweatshirt. My breath caught as I studied them more closely. My tears flowed freely as I buried my face into them. They were Harry’s.

I suddenly pulled back and stared at the clothes, then back at the door. This was my chance to run, to leave Jason and never look back.

I pulled the clothing on as quickly as I could and bolted for the door. I took off down the side walk, running as fast as I could. I didn’t care where I was going; I just needed to get out of there. I would run until I could anymore. I would run home if that’s what it took.

I brought the backside of my hand up to my face, wiping the tears out of my eyes. I kept my eyes closed trying to calm myself down. I suddenly ran into something hard sending me to the ground.

“Holy shit!” I yelled holding my head. I looked up at the fuzzy figure trying to adjust my eyesight. My heart skipped a beat when I realized who was standing in front of me.

“Harry!” I cried bursting into a fresh set of tears. I jumped up not caring how light headed I was.

“Elle.” He breathed taking me into his arms. He held me tight against his chest, as he planted multiple kisses on top of my head.

I looked up at him with sudden panic “we need to go!” I said pulling on his arm.

“Elle, what happened to you?” he asked ignoring me.

“Harry!” I screamed “We have to leave now!” I looked past him, suddenly feeling like I had been punched in the stomach. “Run.” I mumbled.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows at me “Elle, love, can we just-“

“Jason!” I whispered as I watched Jason angrily storm out of the room.

Harry looked behind him and back at me “run.” He agreed pulling me behind him.

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