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Taeyong wakes up as the bed shifted. The warmth beside him soon left him. He fluttered his eyes open and sat up as rubs his eye.

"Good Morning, love."

Taeyong looks up to see his lover. He smiled at him and his lover leans down to kiss him on the lips.

"Morning," Taeyong greeted back.

"Hurry up and school starts in half an hour," Ten said, leaving Taeyong in their shared bedroom.

Taeyong walks to the bathroom door to take a bath. He soon wears his uniform after. He walks to the kitchen and saw that Ten who was on the phone with someone. As soon as Ten noticed his boyfriend's presence, he said goodbye to his caller.

They ate breakfast before going to school. They walk into their college's school grounds, seeing their schoolmates and greets them with a nod and a smile.

A text was suddenly sent to Ten.

"Uh, Tae, I'm going to the bathroom. See me in class?" Ten excused. Taeyong nodded and watched Ten walked into the bathroom nearby.

Taeyong walks into the class. He slumps himself on his chair lazily and waits for Ten.

Fifteen minutes has already gone and Ten wasn't still in class. He was about to get worried about his boyfriend. He sent Ten a text message to tell him that the teacher's already here but nothing in reply.

Their teacher started with an attendance and as soon as Ten was called, Taeyong excused himself to call him in the bathroom. The teacher lets him.

Taeyong runs through the hallways and makes his way into the bathroom where Ten came in. Soon, he regretted everything. He saw Ten being fucked by Johnny from behind, one of his friends. Taeyong's jaw immediately dropped.

The two soon stopped and Ten looked very flustered. Taeyong composed himself and looked at the two coldly.

"I hope you're happy," Taeyong said before walking out of the bathroom. He hasn't walked that far until a hand made him look behind.

"I-I can explain," Ten said in a flustered way.

"I know why you did it. Because you'd rather be with someone who can fuck you, right?" Taeyong chuckled, "I just wasted four years of my life, didn't I?"

"That's not true! I love you-"

"Yeah, right, before Johnny showed up," Taeyong growled, "You know what, you can save your fucking words. I hope this break up's mutual."

Taeyong leaves Ten behind. He returns to the class and said that he couldn't find Ten. The class begins without his ex. He focused on class rather than the empty seat beside him.

He's angry and upset to see Ten cheat on him. Actually, it was an understatement. It was unexpected. And now Taeyong knows, he'll just finish college and get the fuck out of here.

The day soon ended. Taeyong immediately went to their apartment. He packs his things on his backpack and he was about to go out until the door opens and reveals the new couple. Taeyong smiled bitterly at the two.

Make Me Yours-JAEYONGWhere stories live. Discover now