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The next day, Taeyong was just laying on the couch on the living room. He feels really bored inside the apartment. It was a free day for him since there hasn't received any texts from Jaehyun about having another shoot from an agency.

Speaking of Jaehyun, he remembered Ten having a magazine of Jaehyun. His memories were blurry but he knows it's a Nylon magazine. But, he shouldn't bother Ten just for some magazine. Besides, Taeyong wasn't on the cover, he was just one of the contents inside of Jaehyun's magazine.

He tried searching the cover and finally saw it on the internet. He stared at it while he criticized the cover. But, all Taeyong could say that he looked good on the cover.

"Eh? You're searching for his cover?"

Taeyong got startled by Mark who peeked from his back since he was lying on his side.

"I'm...just curious," Taeyong said very casually like it's very normal to search for Jaehyun's cover on a Nylon magazine.

"Aren't you like stalking him in a different level?" Mark asked as he walked to the kitchen.

"No! No, of course not! Why would I?" Taeyong exclaimed.

Mark shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe you're developing fee--"

"Am not! And never will," Taeyong cuts Mark's words with his, "You're ridiculous."

Mark stood quiet in the kitchen while Taeyong closed his browser.

Lunch's done and Taeyong already done the chores. He decided to take a walk since he texted Doyoung again but was rejected.

"Guys, I'm going," Taeyong said as walked towards the door.

"Okay," they said in unison.

"Don't let anyone come in unless it's me, 'kay?"


"Don't cook or play with fire without me here."


"Don't break things."


"Keep things in place--"

"Hyung, you can go!" Mark exclaimed.

Taeyong bids goodbye before walking out of the apartment. He honestly didn't want to leave them alone but he's sure that they were felt alone many times ago. He's just worried, that's all.

Taeyong walked along the sidewalk as the cars passed by him. People around looked at him, maybe they recognized Taeyong from the magazine.

He soon stopped by on a park. It was full of children and couples. It was very awkward to be the only one on the park without a partner. Taeyong sighed as he sat on a bench that was infront of a kid's playground.


He turned around to see Ten, alone. His ex walked closer and plastered a sweet smile on his face, Taeyong just gave him a small smirk.

"Alone?" Taeyong asked, Ten's smile was mixed with sadness as he nodded, "Why? What happened? Did you guys broke up?"

"John's in LA," Ten answered and sat at the far end of the bench.

"Ah, thought you guys broke up," Ten laughed at Taeyong's bitter statement.

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