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Somewhere in Seoul, Taeyong and Jaehyun are currently staying for an important event. Taeyong wore his tuxedo and made himself presentable. Taeyong made sure he looks good, not only infront of everyone, also for Jaehyun.

It's a wedding event anyway, but it's not theirs.

Taeyong just wanted to look good because he can't stand beside his boyfriend if he looks nothing close to good. Honestly speaking, he hopes that him and Jaehyun will settle things soon. They've been together for years now and Taeyong's ready. But Jaehyun's a workaholic.

"Taeyong, let's go," Jaehyun said when he came into their shared hotel room.

The other nodded and took a last glance of himself on the mirror before he left with his boyfriend. Jaehyun was already in his suit, handsome as usual, with a DSLR on hand. They walked down the hallway and into the elevator hand in hand.

"Jae, do I look good?" Taeyong asked.

Jaehyun looked back at him and smiled before nodded, "You always look good, Tae."

The boy hummed and looked around before he spoke again, "You think I'll look good in white as well?"

The man beside chuckled, "You mean a suit worn in weddings?"


Before Jaehyun could even say something, the elevator door opened and visitors outside of wedding venue. It looks like it was about to start so Jaehyun was needed for pictures. The man pulled his boyfriend out and looked at him.

"We'll talk about this later."

Then Taeyong was left alone.

Taeyong started drinking wine when they were already at the reception. He didn't want to deal with Jaehyun and hear him say 'just be patient' for the nth. It's a broken record thing and Taeyong's tired of it.

He drank the wine inside his wine glass that was almost filled to the rim. He finished his nth glass in two gulps with a frown on his face. His eyes were on Jaehyun who was still busy. He was feeling a bit dizzy but he still kept on pouring and drinking.

Drinking got him thinking that maybe Jaehyun doesn't want to settle things soon. He might not even see Taeyong as his last, not the same as how Taeyong sees him. That idea scares and bothers Taeyong very much. He doesn't want to break with Jaehyun.

They had their fights, misunderstandings, and all but Taeyong felt like their bond is much stronger than before. He loves Jaehyun with all his heart. Maybe he's just being a baby again, but he acts like a baby always and Jaehyun deals with it. He's being too spoiled.

It was time for the dance floor to open and people were starting to come down to have fun. Taeyong was left on the table, not having the time of his life. Finding everything useless, Taeyong drank his last glass before he stood and started leaving the venue.

And Jaehyun doesn't even know about it.

"Jaehyun, thank you so much for coming. As expected from a well-known photographer, you've done well," the groom said as Jaehyun showed them the pictured he took so far.

"Congratulations on your wedding as well. I wish you both all the best," the photographer said with a smile.

"You can enjoy the night, Jaehyun. Thank you for the effort," the bride uttered, "Have fun with Taeyong."

"Sure. Thank you very much."

The man walked away and started looking for the table where Taeyong was sitting. He was confused when his boyfriend was nowhere to be seen. He looked everywhere but Taeyong went missing. Jaehyun furrowed his eyebrows and looked at his phone if there were any messages but none.

Jaehyun thought maybe Taeyong went to the room early. That guy really gets butthurt too easily but it's his fault if Taeyong's upset at him. He just sighed and excused himself out of the venue.

He went in the elevator and pressed the correct number. He removed his jacket before the doors opened. He walked down the hallways and stood infront of the door with the correct number. Jaehyun just welcomed himself in with the card and saw that the room was dark.

The man's eyes landed on the small body laid on their shared bed with the back facing him. Jaehyun gently closed the door and walked closer to his lover who was probably sleeping. But he knows Taeyong too well.

He went to sat down on the edge of the bed and checked the drawers of the bedside table before he went to look at Taeyong.

"You should have texted me or something. I got worried," Jaehyun softly said as he sat near Taeyong to hover the small built.

He looked down and saw that Taeyong has his eyes closed. Jaehyun frowned.

"Hey, talk to me. Did I do anything wrong? You just can't put a cold shoulder on me again," the man added.

It took a few seconds before Taeyong spoke without opening his eyes.

"I'm drunk and my head aches. Let's talk in the morning," the boy said in the coldest tone possible.

"You didn't have to drink every bottle in the hotel's wine rack, Tae."

The boy below just clicked his tongue.

Jaehyun chuckled, "Is it about the wedding thingy? I did say be--"

The boy fluttered his eyes open but decided not to look back at the man.

"I waited for years now and I still am. It's just that...I'm scared that the reason why you can't settle things with me is because you don't see me as your life partner. I'm being impatient again and I know I look selfish but y'know...I just want to live the rest of my life with you, Jae--"

Taeyong stopped when Jaehyun held an open black box right infront of his eyes and then a silver ring with a small pink diamond in the middle. The model was still processing what's happening. Jaehyun look amused.

"I told you to be patient, didn't I?"

The boy looked back at him with teary eyes but pouted with furrowed eyebrows.

"You're playing with me again--"

"I already have the engagement ring. Am I still playing, Jung Taeyong?"

It took them a few seconds before Taeyong hugged Jaehyun which made the man fall on him. The boy cried on his boyfriend's shoulder while Jaehyun just laughed at how crybaby his lover was.

"I see you as someone who I will be spending my whole life with. It just took so long because I want to know if you feel the same way and just doesn't want to get married because it's what you've been wanting," Jaehyun said, "I was also finding the right time and I had to hide it from you."

"I really hate you, Jae."

"I know you're lying."

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