I. What was HIS name?

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♡ Roshni's POV ♡

I can't believe that I am doing this monstrously unusual thing on the God's green, but slowly polluting planet earth!

But I have no damn choice. I have to meet my family friend's son, who is going to convince me for marriage.

I am Roshni Satlani, 25 years old WOMAN and UNMARRIED!

Do you know it's a crime to be 25 and still be unmarried?

Well according to the "people" I call my family, relatives and neighbors. Their theory says to get engaged by 25 otherwise you will never get a good guy. But aren't some people happy when they get married in late twenties or early thirties or even later? Happiness depends on our intentions and not the age factor. But who understands?

Plus, I work at my father's office, which means I am not SALARIED.

My father needed me in his business for further improvisation and development of his company. I have succeeded in helping him, but I don't get salary as it is my responsibility and not my job. I didn't argue because my every needs were fulfilled and my father is making investments in my name.

And money is last thing on my mind. I have seen many relations ruined by the greed of money. Therefore, I am happy and satisfied with my pocket money.

BUT according to those "people," I am JOBLESS.

This is another problem, my marriage is not yet fixed because the boys, my father met till now for my marriage want me to have a handsome salary. This means, I have to leave my father and work somewhere else.

I am against of it, not because I cannot work outside. I have masters degree in accounts and can get a good job without a struggle.

Only problem is how can I leave my parents hanging and work for someone who's relation with me depends on a condition? What if tomorrow something happens to me and I am bedridden? Will he dump me? And what if he gets someone else with more earning capacity, will he stay by my side? Will he stay loyal and faithful?

Plus, leaving my parents hanging and struggling for a complete stranger is something I cannot convince myself to do. I mean, if I leave my parents who have done everything for me for someone who has done nothing for me.

How long will I stay loyal and faithful to him?

I know, I am overthinking. But doesn't it makes sense?

My thinking process stops when the elevator opens and I step out to walk towards the apartment door. Soon I am greeted by my family friend's daughter-in-law Chaavi. She invites me inside and I take a seat on the couch.

"I am sorry, Roshni, but I need to leave. My mother isn't well and I need to take her to for the doctor's appointment. Harsh will be here within half an hour, so hope you don't mind waiting."

Good. Leave me alone, so that I can plan, how to fail your husband's counselling session on marriage.


"No problem Chaavi, I don't mind waiting for Harsh. You should go and take care of your mother. Hope she gets well soon."

She smiles sadly with a thankful nod and leaves as soon as she can. She seemed really worried, hope her mother gets well soon. I say a small prayer for her mother in my mind and grab my mobile from my handbag to call my friend Naveena for preparing myself for the anti-marriage speech.

She answers the call and greets me, "Hello Baby Coo, how are you?"

"I am good, but I need your help. You remember, Papa's old client and friend Mehta Uncle. I have come at his place. His son Harsh has called me to pay him a visit, which I know, Papa asked him to do."

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