V. The Perfect Girl

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♡Gaurav's POV♡


I lower my gaze to avoid the piercing gaze of my two best friends AND non-biological parents, Jay and Durga.

During my emotional breakdown after breakup with Tanushree, they had practically adopted me by taking care of me and my home. I can never forget, Jay forcing me to take a shower and cracking silly jokes to lighten up my mood. Whereas Durga stuffing food in my mouth.

They had stayed with me for a few days and Jay worked from my home, while Durga took a few leaves from her office. They had stayed glued to me at each minute of the day, supporting and encouraging me unconditionally.

They are a part of my life since childhood and I love them as my soul siblings. And by the way, they are married to each other. Love marriage and how that happened is still a mystery to me. Because Jay is a naughty baby by heart, always joking and teasing someone. While Durga is a serious adult, who plans and calculates every step before taking.

It's a perfect combination of love is blind with opposites attract.

Coming back to present, my mother called them first to invite for the Roka ceremony. Because my family is grateful for their support in my life and treated them as a part of the family.

And naturally they were happy to see me settled in my life as they had also tried to send me on a few dates. But I never found interest in any of the girls and came home back after eating dinner.

That's why Roshni is a perfect choice for the marriage. She won't be a lover or wife to trigger my painful memories unintentionally. She will be a friend to fill my life with new memories and ease my pain.

But I won't force her to help me, she has her own pains to handle. I sometimes wonder, what would have happened with her, which make her bitter and cold. I wish, I could make her confess, not for my curiosity, but to provide her comfort. The pain in her eyes is sometimes heartbreaking.

Well coming back to Jay and Durga, I can never lie or hide anything from them because they never judge me and vice versa. So, when they arrived and started asking questions about Roshni, I shared the whole truth about the arrangement.

NOW, they are furious with me for getting into it.

I am so dead.

"So, Mr. Gaurav Khanna is not getting hitched. He is getting into a freaking arrangement, right?"

Experiencing the all time funny Jay to turn furious is the scariest thing and suddenly I feel like a school kid, who is called in the Principal's cabin for not doing homework for 5 days in a row.

And this is just the beginning.

Durga asks, "What makes you think this Roshni is not a gold digger or lying about her past to you?"

"Durga, she cannot trick me because I don't even know anything about her past" 

I regret opening my mouth IMMEDIATELY.

Because their eyes widen in shock and they stand from the couch before marching towards me. They pin my back to the wall and yell, "ARE YOU CRAZY?"

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