XXI. Game of Fate (new)

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♡Roshni's POV♡

He strokes my hair as I lay beside him on our bed. His arm around my shoulder to keep me close to him. While my head on his chest and an arm around his waist.

Jay and Durga left after seeing the movie and having pizza for dinner just as they planned to spent the evening with us. We didn't allow the outsiders visit to affect our friends' planning.

Though we finally destroyed the pendrive. It has no value in our life. Gaurav has enough reasons to not cry over the past.

And his biggest reason is me.

"For a second, I thought I lost you."

I lift my head to face him and whisper, "Why?"

He shrugs and shakes his head in no, but his eyes reflect his emotions. There is insecurity and fear to lose me. I never realised untill now how much I and this marriage means to him.

Though we are a second chance in each other's life and trying to adjust into this new stage. Losing or hurting the other is something none of our hearts can tolerate. We don't just have love, there is a calmness and contentment, which we crave more. The feeling to rely without the fear to be hurt, not because we know what pain is, it is because we care for each other.

I shift closer to cup his cheek and he closes his eyes. He presses a kiss to my palm and opens his eyes before leaning to kiss my forehead.

"You were fearing to lose me. And here, I am somewhere happy because her visit made me realise that I cannot let you go. Even if you had not come running from office, I was planning to kick her out. I wouldn't have let you go away from me. Never."

He smiles and I caress his stubble jaw before whispering, "If you are protective towards me then I am possessive towards you. I cannot allow anyone to take you away from me. Not even as a friend, I wish to lose you. I want everything, every bond between us to remain alive and not be overlapped by any new feelings. I crave for my friend and relying pillar as much as I crave for my husband. I may sound selfish, but I need you to always stay with me for the rest of my life, never leave me for any reason even if I make mistakes."

"In that case, I am honoured for being more selfish."

"And I wholeheartedly accept your selfishness."

He chuckles at my words before turning us, so I lay on my back and leans towards my lips.

"Can I?"

I nod and soon his lips press against mine, sealing the new promises with a kiss.


"Are you kidding me?"

"Seriously Rosh?"

"Well that was expected."

These are my three musketeers Jerry, Candy and Navu's reaction after I shared about me and Gaurav moving towards our love life. Navu and Candy seem happy, not even so surprised, but Jerry. She is about to have a panic attack.

Now I regret not sending him to office. When he suggested to share the news with the girls as Jay and Durga know, I asked him to stay with me. But now I am worried what will Jerry do with him.

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