Deleted Scene

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Was taking a backup of my story when I came across this scene which I wrote to put after Karwa Chauth when Gaurav realises Roshni has become more than what he intended to make her and Romeo's arrival. That is between chapter 15 and 16.

However, it didn't fit into the flow, so I had to delete it.

But I really love this scene and thought to share with you all.


♡Roshni's POV♡

I move away from him, but he holds my hand to bring me back in his arms and cups my cheek with the other hand. He caresses my jaw, staring into my eyes lovingly and making it difficult for me to look away.

"Don't you feel this connection between us? Doesn't your heart race when I touch you, hold you in my arms? Don't you crave for me, Roshni?"

I turn to move away, but he pulls me closer and whispers against my ear, "You can look away, but you cannot deny the fact that you have feelings for me. Strong feelings, which are only growing on daily basis."

He turns my face after cupping my chin and uses his other hand to lace with mine. He caresses our connected hands and leaves a lingering sensation as his hand travel the length of my arm. I shiver when his nails dig into my skin and he pulls me further closer.

"You feel this? You feel this connection. Don't you?"

I don't reply and he confesses, "Even I wanted to deny it, but I failed to stop myself today. These feelings are too strong to ignore and I have finally gathered the courage to say that I love you. I love you with all my heart and I know, you do too. So-"

I push him away and deny, "No, it's too early for the love confession."

He rolls his eyes in annoyance, "How long are you planning to make me wait for your story's leads to confess their love? You have crossed 45 chapters for heaven's sake, Roshni."

I giggle at his eagerness for the love confession of the leads in my story "Arrogant's Smart Wife."

Since he got Romeo for me despite hating cats, I decided to share my deepest deep secret - Writing hobby.

No one, I repeat NO ONE knows of my writing hobby. Even my three musketeers are unaware. So, I asked him to not mention in their presence for which he agreed.

Additionally he has encouraged me to write more as he discovered that writing is the BIG key to know my nature and deep thoughts. So, I do write more these days and share with him, which he reads despite being tired of work.

However, today I was stuck with the progress of the story and being the eagerest reader, I have known on the God's green but slowly polluting planet earth, he suggested to write the love confession. This silly man wants to see the leads together and has even planned their baby's name.

Yet I am not sure as the female lead was betrayed and it would be early for her to confess her hidden love. So, he offered to help by doing a role play for the love confession scene, which has made me 100% sure that the scene should be postponed.

"Let the male lead earn her love. To love is simple, but to maintain is difficult. Let him learn and respect that."

He smiles and I frown, "Why are you smiling?"

"You are trying to give justice to yourself through your story by showing the importance of seeking forgiveness in a relation. Aren't you?"

I lower my gaze and he adds, "You see yourself in the female lead and want her to receive the respect towards her feelings, which you never got."

"I don't live in a dream land, Gaurav. When your family doesn't give a damn for your feelings then expecting from others is foolishness. I have learned my lesson of life long back that no one cares."

I escape from his grip and grab my phone to read my story's chapter again for two reasons. First, for finding a way to continue in the flow and second for ending this heart-wrenching topic.

Yes, I do see myself in the female lead Kavya, but that doesn't mean I will stop differentiating between a story and real life. Armaan, the lead character and her husband is surrounded by supportive and mature family members. They helped him to understand and rectify his mistakes to win his wife back.

But in the real life, none of the members around even show humanity. Support, guidance and comfort turn invisible. They blame and accuse, adding fuel to the flame of betrayal, burning in your heart.

I blink my eyes multiple times to not cry over the past. I have a cheerful present and wish to achieve the same in my future.

Before I can read the chapter, he pulls me back in his embrace and tosses my phone away. I raise my eyebrows at him and he smiles nervously, while caressing my knuckles after holding my hands.

Now this is something, which he is doing from a long time.

"Since Romeo has come, we haven't spent any private time together like we did earlier."

I continue to look at him as he states, "Like sitting on the floor in the living room till late night or Sunday mornings, talking what our heart desired with a cup of coffee. Me, sitting on the kitchen island and you cooking, while we shared our day's plan or activities. We fighting over my food demands, arguing over my carelessness in health and....and everything. Haven't you missed all these things in the past 2 weeks? Hmm?"

I lower my gaze as there is something in the way he is looking at me that has my heart beating in an unsteady pace. Ever since the Karwa Chauth night, he has been spending extra time at home when earlier he used to go to meet his family or Pratham. I never questioned, but now it seems that I got my answers.

And maybe I wasn't ready for this answer.

I am pulled out of my thoughts by his words, "Alia took Romeo for a photoshoot in the park. Should I ask her to take him with her? We can go out for a movie and dinner."

I open my mouth to deny as I knew, Alia had other plan for the night. While Mahek and Sourav already have Ayaan to handle. That curious kid doesn't sit at one place or stop grabbing anything his eyes land on.

But his unique aqua blue eyes had something special in them that forces me to nod in yes. I feel like I have no control over myself and his smile seem to make me happy.

I don't understand what is happening between us.


Yes, I could have included this scene because it is beautiful.

But it showed at one end, Roshni still has a negative impact of her past. And at the other end, Gaurav seem eager to be more than friends with her. This wasn't going into the flow.

So, I removed it and decided to keep in reserve.

Thanks for reading.

Love you all.

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