Part 1

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Author's Notes: I was rereading FSOG for the ten thousand time before the movie comes out in a few weeks and I got to the part where Christian ask Ana if she did apply to the internship program at his company and it got me thinking. What if she did took him up on his offer and got into the internship program at GEH and then became his PA? How would their relationship turn out? It is quite an intriguing idea so here I am at 03:30 AM in the morning writing about Ana's GEH Internship. I do hope you guys enjoy it. Kisses!

Part 1

Riding the elevator down to the ground floor coming from Christian's office. I am so glad that's over. I can't believe Kate and her inappropriate questions. That question keeps repeating in my head how could she even write down such a question at all. (Mr. Grey are you gay?) Ahg! At that moment I wish for the earth to swallow me completely. I finally reached the ground floor and when I reached the front desk to hand back my visitor's badge, I thought about what he said about the internship program.

Hmm... I have handed out my CV everywhere I can think of, I just might take him up on his offer. I asked the front desk to point me to the HR department and find it quite easily. They hand me an application and I filled it out and from my phone, I e-mailed them my CV I have in my draft box. Why would I possibly want to work here for? This is not even what I want to do at all. Maybe I am just pushing my luck a little yet I have this huge student loan I want to start paying off. I finally reach Kate's car and drove back to Portland.

Thinking about Grey and how smart he looks and somehow in the way he talked in the interview, it's as if he was always speaking in a double meaning. Then he somehow sounded that he could have a sad side to him at the same time. But what was that? Why am I even thinking about him at all? He is completely in another galaxy not even in the same universe. Yet his manner of speaking and his mouth. Oh, that mouth of his was mesmerizing. I finally hit the I-5 and I floor Kate's care. I got home with time to spare to get a shift in at Clayton's.

Kate bugged me over and over with her silly questions; how he was, what I think of him or what was it like to even speak to him. All I could tell her was how some of her questions were completely inappropriate and that she even sends me there without a short biography about him. She apologizes like thirty times and then started to work on the article while I change for work.

At Clayton's, I got to work on restocking shelves giving me way too much time with my own thoughts. What is about Christian Grey that is so appealing and mesmerizing at the same time? He really is seriously hot and I haven't thought that he would be so young. I thought I would face like a fifty-something that might be sarcastic and so arrogant. Not young and yummy Christian. Hmm... Damn it! Stop it Ana and concentrate on your work at hand. I shook my head to mentally clear my head and got back to work. After my shift, I head home to find that Kate was busy listening to the recorded interview.

I made us both a sandwich and got to work on finishing my essay and started studying for my finals. At midnight I was done and would actually start to dream in words. That's how much I studied. The rest of my week skipped by in a rather steady passé. It was Thursday and I was checking stoke numbers on the computer to see if they match our entry log, when a figure at the counter caught my eye. I looked up and right into the familiar stormy gray eyes, I have been dreaming about since my interview with him.

'Mr. Grey?' I asked surprised.

'Miss Steele, fancy meeting you here. Do you work here?' He asked not taking his eyes off me.

'Yes, sir for the past four years. What can I help you with?'

'I am in need of some cable ties.'

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