Part 10

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We head down the street and he pushed me into a dark alley. I looked surprised up at him.

'Did you knew anything about this?' He waved his hand back at the gallery.

'No, I didn't.' How can I make him see that I didn't know anything? My submissive stance came to mind and I step out of my shoes.

'I don't believe you.' He yelled at me. Without another word I kneeled like he taught me to in the playroom and sunk to my knees, looking at the floor. He saw me and with that, he fell to his own knees in front of me.

'So you really didn't know.' He spoke to me, he still hasn't given me permission to talk to him so I just kept staring at the cement floor below me. He grips my chin in his hands and pulled my face so I would look up at him.

'Ana, please speak to me. Answer me.' I just looked up in his eyes and he was clearly desperate.

'No, sir I really did not.'

'Very well, come stand up from this harsh floor.' He helped me up and I slip my shoes back on. 'You really didn't have to avert to such drastic measures.' He continued.

'I didn't know what else I could say to make you believe me. So I avert to the only language you know best.' He pulled me into his arms and pushed me against the wall and started to kiss me, feverishly.

'You. Are. Mine.' He breathed in my ear, as he kissed my neck.

'Yes, always only yours, sir.' I slide my hands into his pants back pockets. He looked me in the eyes again and me him.

'Are we okay now?' He asked me.

'Yes, we are.' I smiled up at him and ran my fingers over his sideburns. 'Christian...'


'I love you.' His eyes clouded over and he withdraws from me, just like he did the first time I told him I love him.

'Ana, please don't.' He warned me. I know he is fifty shades of messed up, but this messed up that he can't see that people love him for the wonderful warm man he is. My heart little by little started to break for this beautiful broken man in front of me. He grabbed my hand and we head further down the street and into a nice looking restaurant. We got a table for two and was shown to a quiet corner of the restaurant. Christian ordered our food and wine before we even sit down. Quite frankly I am not that hungry with his always changing moods. I sat down and Christian push my chair in for me, then sat down next to me, taking my hand.

'Why do you question my love for you?' I finally ask him after we received our glass of wine.

'Because I don't deserve it.' He snaps at me. I wanted to recoil from his hold on my hand but didn't do anything. I just felt silent tears ran down my face for this man I really truly love. How can he not accept my love for him? I hid my face from him.

'Hey, please look at me?' He asked me. I looked at him and he saw I am crying. Like the gentleman he is, he hands me his handkerchief.

'Ana, why are you crying?' He finally asked me. I just shook my head and ran off to the bathroom, with my handbag. 'Ana?' He called. I got to the bathrooms and lock myself in a stall. Cried my eyes out, then wash my face and reapply my makeup quickly. I head back out to the table and he was waiting for me. I sat down and just pushed my plate aside.

'Please talk to me? Why are you crying baby?'

'I- I just don't know why you can't accept it when someone tells you that they love you. Why, Christian?'

'Because I am all dark and twisty and fifty shades of fucked up Ana. I have told you this before. I am not good Ana.'

'What are you talking about? Have you ever just stopped and looked at the people close to you, see how much they really care and love you for how you are, even with all your secretly fucked-up-ness or not.' He just kept shaking his head. 'You are good Christian down to the last cell in your gorgeous body. I'm crying because it breaks my heart to see you reject others love for you with this huge wall you have around you.' He just stares at me with huge eyes as he really listens to me talk my heart out.

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