Part 15

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After dessert, we left heading back to Escala when we were being followed. Taylor drove us faster trying to get away from the chasing car. Our second car filled with our security pushed their way between our car and the car that is chasing us down. Christian just held me to him. Sawyer was in contact with the car behind us with our security. They managed to work their way between us and Taylor took an earlier turn off making sure we take the long way home. The chasing car was on our tails once again and we had to hide in an abandon parking garage. Our other car filled with our security followed the chasing car to see where he or she might lead them. Once they passed where we were hiding we drove to Escala. It's been a while since I had to feel so on edge, about fleeing for our lives.

'Baby are you okay?' Christian asked pulling away from me a little.

'I think so. It's been a while that I felt so frightened by being chased like this.' I spoke laying my head down on Christian's chest.

'Well, we are safe now. Nothing will happen, I promise.' He spoke as we pull out of the parking garage and we head to Escala. I was put in a nice hot bath while Christian sorts out this problem at hand with the security. After my nice bath I got dressed for bed and since Christian insisted I must only be wrapped in either silk or satin, that is what I am wearing right now. A lovely pink satin nightgown with matching robe. I set out looking for Christian and found him in his study. He was on the phone. I gave him a kiss goodnight and head back to bed. Then Monday morning arrived and we both got up and ready for our first day back at work. I head down to HR and I got myself a newly updated work badge with my new name on it and back at my desk, I change my e-mail signature as well, and I started to do my work.

Andrea arrived at eight and was just glad we enjoyed our time abroad. She now calls me Mrs. Grey this and Mrs. Grey that. After a few hours I stopped her and told her just because my name changed doesn't mean I am different, I insist she keeps calling me Ana. After that, the atmosphere in the office relaxed like it uses to be. Ros and Christian had a long meeting to catch him up on everything that has happened while we were in Europe. After their meeting, his regular meetings for the day resumed. Mr. Hogan arrived around lunchtime for his meeting with Christian. I took Christian's calls and I had to answer all the other phones since Andrea left to go have her lunch.

I so need a piece of Mrs. Jones sub sandwich but I can't I am so busy running around getting everything ready for Christian that I just couldn't do lunch at all. At the end of our first day back at the office, I got shouted at by Christian for not taking a break and have eaten my lunch Mrs. Jones packed for us. I explained why I couldn't but it doesn't seem to matter with Mr. Brooding next to me. I just cross my arms and look out my window. At the penthouse, I took off for our room kick off my high heels and climb into a nice bath. Afterward, I got a nice book and settle down in the library waiting for dinner to be ready. Christian came to fetch me for dinner. We ate and afterward he took off to work and I got back to my book.

Later that evening we worked out our earlier discussion between the sheets. Woke up in the early hours of the morning while Christian pin me to our bed with his weight as he lay on top of me. I have to get to the bathroom and his weight makes it impossible to move an inch. I really am wrapped in a Grey blanket. I finally moved him in such a way that I could run to the bathroom. Now when I got back, I could not lay back down on my side since he is laying spread eagle over our bed. So I just sat in the chair watching him sleep like he does me whenever I'm asleep. He really is beyond gorgeous and so young looking when he is sleeping so deeply.

Then out of nowhere, for the fourth time, I witness him having a nightmare. I jumped to his side and held him to me and he relaxed once I held him. In doing so I fell back asleep myself. The next morning I left the office before he did while he was still in bed when I left. I left him a love letter on our bathroom mirror in my lipstick.

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