Part 13

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I foggily came to hanging upside down from I don't know where. My light went out again. I came to later and I was so cold and it was pitch black outside, and yet again I fell unconscious. The smell of cut trees and damp earth woke me only briefly and I was out again.

Later bright lights were shone into my eyes and I want to block it out but I can't move, my arms are strapped to my sides. My body aches so bad. My consciousness slips again and I drift away. This time my sleep was dragged out quite a bit. I don't know how long I have been in this state or where I am. I started to get the feeling back into my numb body and that brought me back to myself.

I gasp as everything hurt so badly. I opened my eyes and everything was overly bright. My room lights were dimmed. I looked around the room and saw Ros and her girlfriend. Ros's leg is in a cast. Christian's arm was in a sling and his head was bandaged up. Kate clings to Elliot crying and Ray and mom are here with Grace and Carrick. What is going on? Ouch! Damn it, why can't I move and if I do it hurts like hell.

'Easy baby.' Christian spoke as he held my hand. I looked over at him. He looks like he hasn't shaved in almost two weeks, he has bags under his eyes and so does the rest of my family and friends in my room.

'What happened?' I asked through my very sore throat. Grace held a glass of water for me to drink.

'We were still over Mt Helena when Charlie Tango's controls jammed up and I couldn't move her so the only way for us to get out safe was for me to try and land her. But when we hit the tree line all hell broke loose and between the three of us, you sitting in the back were thrown out of the wreck. Where you almost fell to your death. When we finally found you.

You were hanging lifeless upside down a thick tree branch. The first response team airlifted you to the hospital.' Christian explained to me, as tears ran down his face. I squeezed his hand. He rubbed his tears away with his sling hand, then he continued. 'So when they got you to the emergency room, they found you have almost broken every bone on your left side of your body and have been pierced by a sharp looking tree branch. When you fell and it pierced your right side and out again.'

'What? A tree went right through me?'

'Yes, baby it did.' He finished and he really looks so tired. That explains just why I am so darn sore all over and why I can't move at all.

'How long have I been here?'

'Two and a half weeks.' Grace stepped in and placed her hand on my right shoulder. 'We are all just glad you came too finally. Now you need your rest and we all should let her get some more rest.' My room emptied out and only Christian stayed behind. I am hurting so badly all over it really feels like I am dying.


'Yes.' I answered looking over at him, screwing my eyes shut in pain as I turn my head to look at him. I open my eyes again and he had pain in his eyes too.

'I'm sorry.'

'Sorry for what?'

'For what happened to you, I've thought more than once that I lost you and the sun had set on my dark fifty shade world and haven't risen for over two weeks. I have no desire to ever feel like that again.'

'Hey, you have not lost me yet, Grey. I am still here, and it was not at all your fault of what happened to the three of us. None of us would have known that this was going to happen. So please find it in yourself to forgive yourself Christian please.' He eyes goes darker and then cloud over with emotion.

'Oh, Ana, I can't afford to lose you. I will only forgive myself if you still want to marry me?'

'Of course, I still want to marry you. I really truly madly deeply fell in love with you Mr. Christian Grey and if you would have this completely in pain, slightly dull and nerdy woman then I am completely yours.' He gasps at my words and lean down and gave me a kiss.

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