Part 11

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I finally looked at my wrists and saw that the type has eaten their way into my wrists, and was badly bruised and bleeding. Andrea later went with me to another bathroom and helped me clean up a bit. After I was blood free she got out the first aid kit and bandage up my wrists, for me in the office. I was later called into Christian's office. I got to his desk and nearly fell over as out of nowhere my head spin with me.

'I am assigning you a full-time security detail as of now, Ana. I don't want any more repeats like this.' He spoke letting me sit in one of the chairs in front of his desk, he kneeled beside me and I looked down into his eyes.

'When Andrea came to fetch us, I felt my whole body froze. I can't lose you, Ana. I really have come to realize that I really do love you, and what I am feeling is truly deep down love, towards you.'

'Oh, Christian. I love you too.' I whisper through my tears. He kissed me and told me to pack up my things so he can take me home. Back at my apartment, Sawyer my now new security detail made himself at home. I called Kate about Sawyer and that is mandatory from Christian that we have a security detail with us with this man that keeps attacking me.

I got the boxes from storage we used when we moved from Portland to Seattle. I got more than half of my things pack. I did give Kate my notice and she thought it might be a good thing to invite Elliot to move in with her. I thought why bother he already lives here anyway, so. All he needs to do is just bring the rest of the wardrobe then he is in. Kate came home and Sawyer almost jumped her, when she burst in through the door.

'Ana!' She called again, I just calmed Sawyer down first. Kate looked from Sawyer to me and then her eyes widen in the process. 'What happened?'

'I was attacked by that same guy from before but in the office bathroom.' She looked me over and then pulled me into a hug.

'Jezz... Ana, you are just a magnet for these type of things.'

'It's not like I asked the guy to do it.'

'I know honey, but now this...' She saw my cut above my hairline and my bandage up wrists. 'Are you okay now?'

'Yes, I think so. Christian assigned Sawyer here to be my guard 24/7 from now on.'

'It's about time.' We all sat down and relaxed. We ordered some pizzas and the three of us ate, watching TV. After dinner, we pack the dishwasher and I took some painkillers and got into bed. I was woken the next morning in the best way possible. I open my eyes and Christian carried in a tray with my favorite tea on it and a lovely homemade omelet with bacon, mushrooms, and cheese on it. I even got a neatly wrapped gift and a bouquet of long stem red roses. On my dresser.

'Morning, what is all this?' I asked as I struggle to get my stiff body to sit up.

'This is your breakfast, Mrs. Jones made this morning, the flowers are from me and so is this.' He placed the gift in my hand.

'Thank you.'

'Why are all these boxes standing around here?' Christian asked looking around my room.

'Oh, I was just packing some of my things away. They are just dust gatherers.'

'Half your room love?' He got a smile on his face, oh he knows what is going on and I might as well give him the load down. I smiled up at him.

'Does this mean that you are moving in with me then?'

'Yes, sir. It does.' His smile grew larger. 'The movers will be bringing all my stuff on Friday. Elliot has agreed to move in here with Kate so you see it all works out just perfectly.'

'It would seem so.' I started to eat my breakfast courtesy from Escala penthouse kitchen. I finish my breakfast and my tea then got up to get ready for work.

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