Part 9

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Sunday evening's dinner came around and we are standing at the doorstep of the Grey residence. Christian's father answered the door and greeted us. Grace in elegant yet casual out fit with an apron wrapped around her waist coming to greet us.

'Dad this Anastasia Steele. Anastasia this is my father, Carrick Grey.' Christian introduced us.

'Mr. Grey, nice to meet you.' Instead of shaking hands, he gave me a warm hug. Not what I expected at all.

'Please, call me Carrick.' Carrick insisted, with a warm smile.

'Ana, so nice to see you again.' Grace said and gave me yet another hug. Christian and Carrick shook hands and he gave his mother a peek on her cheek. As we walk into the lovely warm home.

'Nice to see you again, Grace.' She smiled at me and we all head for the living area. A steam roller jet black hair young woman ran down the stairs right towards us.

'Christian.' She yelled and smiled as she wraps her arms around him. Mia, I presume. They both spoke fluent French leaving me completely out, making me feel like the third wheel here with my little broken Spanish. Christian turned to me and introduced me to his sister in thankful English.

'So nice to meet you, Ana. He never brought home a girl before. You must be very special to my brother.' She spoke and gave me my third hug for the evening. We all head to the lovely living room and Kate and Elliot were just sitting talking to one another when we walk in. They came to greet us. Kate has a million watt smile on her face. Jezz... Get an island already. At least they can keep to themselves doing whatever loud things they want there if they do get one.

I could hardly sleep at night with the two of them being permanently fused together by now I'm sure. The one thing I am glad about is that Kate is really- really happy. Carrick's handing out champagne flutes to everyone. He made a nice toast to our health's. We sat and Grace and Mia took off to the kitchen, checking on dinner I think. My phone rang and it was work. Christian look at me as I head out to the patio. I handle the call and was about to head back inside when my phone rang again. It's my mom.

'Mom. This is such a wonderful surprise. How are you?'

'Oh, are you hard to get a hold of honey. It is nice to hear from you as well angel. Bob and I, we are great. I was just missing you so much. So I had to call.'

'I miss you to mama. How's things in Georgia?'

'The same. Bob got a promotion.' Mom spoke and is clearly proud of him.

'That is great. I'm glad for him.'

'So how are things with you and Christian?' She asked and is clearly fishing for any form of news.

'Things couldn't get any better. We are actually having dinner at his parent's place tonight.'

'Oh, how lovely. Well, then I won't keep you any longer. Have a great evening, honey.'

'Thanks, mom, and you guys too. I miss and love you lots.' I spoke and felt a single tear roll down my cheek.

'Love you too baby girl. Speak to you soon.'

'Okay. Bye.' We hung up and I had to pull myself together before I head back in there. My hand was on the handle of the French doors when my phone rang again, another business call. Don't these people have lives? It's Sunday evening after all. Christian came to fetch me for dinner and took my phone from me, and interrupted the call.

'Sam. Grey. Yes, of course. Tomorrow morning nine AM sharp. No-no... Oh, one more thing Sam, business hours are from eight to seven on weekdays. Good.' Christian listen for a few moments longer then hung up. He hands me back my phone, held me at arm's length looking at me.

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