"I'm still haunted by the memory"

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"Tzuyu-ya~" I called my maknae and she quickly went beside me with a bread in her hand

"Why, unnie?"

I shook my head and hugged her. I nuzzled her neck with my nose, making her blush. She continued on eating her bread and when she was drinking water, I kissed her neck. She spit out some of the water in her mouth.

"Unnie! I'm drinking..."

She pouted which made me chuckle. A few minutes has passed and I pulled away from the hug. I waited for her to finish her food before I tease her.

"Tzuyu-ya, please smile." she frowned

"What do you want?"

"If I were you, I wouldn't question your unnie and just follow her."

She shrugged, "Good thing, I'm not you."

"So savage." she smirked which showed her dimple on her left cheek. I poked both of my cheeks.

"I wish I have dimples like you."

She chuckled and her dimples looked deeper. I'm tempted to poke those. Tzuyu doesn't bother if I poke those, right?

Unconsciously, I poked her left dimple.

"I love your dimples."

"Do you love them as much as you love me?" Tzuyu looked at me with puppy eyes. She doesn't need to do that though. She's already cute without trying.

"I love you more than your dimples."

She smiled and blushed. Everything was full of colors and rainbows until the lights went off.

"I'm sorry, Sana."

"Eh? Tzuyu-ya?"

The lights turned on and Tzuyu's gone. I frowned, "Tzuyu-ya~ This is not funny. Come out now and I'll kiss you to death!"


I thought Tzuyu called my name but I saw Mina, standing at the door of my room. I sat at the edge of my bed and looked around. No sign of my maknae.

"Who are you talking to?" Mina is obviously confused

"Me? I'm talking to my maknae, Tzuyu. She was here a while ago though."

"If you're talking about Dahyun, she left hours ago, remember?" 

I shook my head vigorously, "It's not Dahyun. Tzuyu, my girlfriend."

Mina looked disappointed and she crossed her arms in front of her chest, "Are you okay?"

She walked towards my direction and held my head, checking my temperature, "You don't have any fever. Do feel feel sick? Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine, Mina. I'm just finding my girlfriend."

I decided to look for Tzuyu in the closet, under my bed, in the living room, in the kitchen but I didn't even saw her shadow.


Mina suddenly heald my arms and shook me hard, "Wake yp, Sana. You keep on mentioning that Tzuyu but she's not real, okay? You hear me? She's not real!"

I frowned, tears are forming at the side of my eyes. I pushed 
Mina away. I ran towards the kitchen and quickly grabbed the knife.

I didn't hesitate and stabbed it directly to my heart.


"SANA! Wake up!" Dahyun shook my whole body

I held my hand in my chest and I'm heavily breathing. Sweat forming in my forehead and tears continued to roll down my cheeks.

Dahyun hugged me tight and caress my hair, "You're okay. Everything's fine. Shh... Stop crying. I'm here."

She continued on whispering words that could calm me down. We stayed for hours like that. It's already morning. The sun is already rising.

Dahyun only pulled away when I stopped sobbing. She wiped the dry tears on my cheeks and smiled.

"Are you okay now?"

I nodded and weakly smiled, "I'm okay now. Thank you, Dahyun."

She smiled back, "No problem, Jagiya~ I'm just going to cook our breakfast."

Dahyun stood up and kissed my forehead before she left. My heart beats faster every time Dahyun does sweet gestures to me.

Two months has passed after I was discharged from the hospital. Dahyun courted me. Days passed and we are already dating. She's too sweet to say no to be her girlfriend.

I smiled at the thought of remembering Dahyun's reaction when I said yes. Her reaction was so cute. She was super happy that day and promised me that she will take care of me always.

Although I answered Dahyun already, she keep on courting me. I said that she's crazy but she shot a very cheesy line to me.

"I'm crazy for you, Jagiya~"

I smiled widely. I decided to stand up and fix our bed. I headed towards the bathroom to fix myself and I walked out of our room to look at Dahyun, still cooking our breakfast.

I walked towards her direction and hugged her back, "Jagiya~"

"Jagiya~" she called back and I chuckled

I kissed her cheek and since she is smaller than me, I placed my chin on top of her head. She continued on cooking and I continued on teasing her like caressing her abdomen and kissing her shoulder.

"Ya, Jagi! I-I can't f-focus on cooking while y-you're doing t-that to m-me!"

She's blushing and I laughed at her. After a few minutes, she finished cooking so I helped her prepare the table. After preparing, we started eating.


Dahyun asked me out so I said yes. I also need some fresh air.

We are currently walking around the park. We only stop when I want to look at or buy something. I suddenly stopped when I saw a cute child.

He's looking at me so I sat down to his level. He walked up to me and I smiled when he wants to play with me. Dahyun just watched me while I'm playing with the boy.

His mother called him so I bid goodbye to him. He kissed my cheek and I squealed. He ran away and he almost tripped but his mother caught him in time. We waved hands at each other.

"Never taught that you can be good with children. You look like a mother."

I blushed and she laughed, "Say, what did you dreamt about earlier? Is it her again?"

I nodded, "But I'm fine now, Dahyun-ah."

"You're still haunted by the memory. By the past. How can I help you with that, Jagiya? How can I help you forget about her?"

Dahyun looked at me. Sincerity is evident in her eyes. I playfully slapped her shoulder.

"Don't worry, Dahyun. Someday, I will forget her. Just not now."

She nodded but she looks worried, "I'm always here okay?"

I smiled widely at her, "Thank you, Jagi."

"Only a 'thank you'? I was expecting more than that, Jagi." she playfully rolled her eyes and smirked at me.

I looked around and we're at the part of the park where no one's around. It's just peaceful and quiet here. I pulled her by her nape and we kissed.


A fluffy SaiDa chapter~

Don't worry, SaTzu will be back in a few chapters kekeke

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed!



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