SaTzu Shorts Ep. 7 presents Stuck

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I woke up and stretched. I rubbed my eyes before opening them. My eyes landed on the beauty beside me. I smiled sweetly and stared at her while she's still sleeping.

I gently removed the strands of hair that barely covered her fair. I caressed her hair and gently moved closer to her. I kissed her forehead and the tip of her nose.

Her eyes flutter open. She yawned while rubbing eyes. She's so cute. I've never been this in love with a girl.

"Good morning, unnie..."

"Good morning, baby Tzu."

We smiled and stared at each other. Her stare makes me weak even though we are still in bed. Her arm snaked around my waist and pulled our bodies closer.

My heart beats faster and it went wild after what Tzuyu whispered to me, "I love you"

She always say those beautiful three words every morning after we wake up and every night before we sleep.

She kissed my temple and sat up. She asked me to stand up so she can fix our bed and make our breakfast but I volunteered to cook our breakfast.

"Really, unnie? You think you can make edible food?"

I hugged her, "Of course! I'll do anything for my gorgeous girlfriend."

She pouted and I kissed her lips. I stood up and went out of our room. I prepared all the ingredients that I need before cooking.

I'm having a hard time to make a sunny side-up for Tzuyu since she likes it. The egg yolk keeps on breaking. I wiped my sweat and continued to cook.

"My squirrel looks so hot wearing an apron."

"Shut up, Tzuyu! I'm concentrating!"

I heard her chuckle and my ears are blessed. I felt arms encircle around my waist, Tzuyu back hugging me.

"Unnie, cook in a low fire. You are burning the eggs. Those bacons are good. You can take those off the pan."

Tzuyu helped me until we finished. She wiped my sweat on forehead and in my neck.

We ate our breakfast while we tell each other's schedule for today.

"What?! You're going to do a photoshoot for Im Nayeon?"

She nodded, "Why? Is there a problem?"

"Yes, of course. She's your ex girlfriend!" I glared at her when she just chuckled

"What are you laughing at?"

She leaned in and kissed my lips, "She's just my past, baby. No need to worry. I'm all yours and you are mine. What matters is the present, baby girl."

"Besides I'll only be her photographer for her magazine. That's all."

She stood up to get ready for the photoshoot. My manager called me to remind my schedule for today. I entered our room and Tzuyu is still showering.

I'm still jealous and I don't trust that Im Nayeon. I decided to enter the bathroom and removed my clothes. I opened the shower curtains, revealing Tzuyu's glorious body.


I stepped in but she kept on pushing me out.

"It's not like you haven't seen my body. Come on, baby Tzu. Let's save some water." I smirked and winked at her

She gulped and tried to smile, "E-Eh?"

I harshly pulled her and kissed her sweet spot. I licked the area before biting and sucking it hard, giving her a visible hickey.

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