"I promise you don't have to be afraid, away"

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Tzuyu suddenly looked flustered when I remained silent. She was about to say something but our food is here. We waited for the waiter to finish serving. After serving, he bowed to us and said,

"Enjoy your food." Then he left

We didn't touch our food first. I can feel the tension.

"I-It's okay if you don't want to hear me right now"

I smiled, "Let's eat before we talk about that, okay?"

She smiled back and we started eating. Tzuyu gave me some jokes to lighten up the mood and she succeeded. We talked about her life in Taiwan.

"I'm sorry for not saying goodbye to you though. My parents really pushed me to be straight but goo thing is that they didn't succeed. They realized that they can't do anything now but to accept that I'm in love with a girl."

"Nah, maybe it was a good thing that you didn't say goodbye to me that time. I might not see you again if that happens."

She shrugged, "Anything can happen. But I'm grateful that I found you."

We continued talking about our childhood. I already know the reason why she named herself as TzuYoda. It's because of her cute ears that looks like Yoda's ears, a character from Star Wars.

I bursted out laughing the moment she put her hair at the back of her ears. She's cute!

We finished our food and decided to go to Han River. I texted Mina before we head there.

We reached the river and the water is reflecting the moon above. It's so beautiful. Tzuyu and I remained standing, looking at the moon and stars.

"Beautiful," I mumbled

"Yeah, I agree" Tzuyu said but I sensed that she isn't looking above so my gaze went to her and she is staring at me

Minutes later, she broke our staring contest and she kneeled down then removed her jacket to put it down on the grass. She gestured that I should sit down so I silently obliged.

She sat beside and went silent for a second before speaking.

"Sally is somehow an opposite of TzuYoda" she chuckled

"At first, I hesitated to introduce myself as Sally. I was so excited to see you that I kissed you in your workplace."

She sighed before continuing, "I still can't believe that you didn't recognize me."

"I thought that you are TzuYoda but I disregarded that. Maybe I waited and hoped for so long to see you after you left me for years that I didn't want to assume that you are my childhood friend."

She looked at me but I didn't look back, "I'm sorry. Anyways, I continued to be Sally as Momo and the others want to know if TzuYoda is still in your heart."

"To be honest, I fell in love with TzuYoda and Sally. I was so confused and hurt to know that they were not real."

I realized that the gap between us so I hugged my legs and placed my head on my knees.

"How?" She asked

"TzuYoda is playful and bubbly. You know, like any other child out there. But she was fun to be with. Sally is serious and mysterious that maybe pulled me in. I was so curious about her that I didn't realized that I was falling."

I smiled at the memory, "Also, the fact that she always treat me every time we hang out and especially the tickets she gave me to your group's concerts."

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