"I'm trying to pick myself from piece by piece"

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Momo called my name and jumped to hug me. Good thing I caught her in time but she's too heavy.

"M-Momo-chan! Yo-You're too h-heavy!"

We pulled away from each other and I inhaled some air to breathe. They were laughing at me but Dahyun kept on caressing my back, helping me.

"Are you alright, Jagi?"

I nodded, "Thank you, Jagi."

I kissed her cheek. At the corner of my eye, i saw Momo-chan's frown.

"Hey, that's too much public display of affection! We need to stop Tzuyu and Chaeyoung."

(Italic) Tzuyu? It's been a few months and I suddenly missed hearing her name.

Tzuyu is giving Chaeyoung a piggyback ride and they are obviously having fun. Tzuyu kept on running around and Chaeyoung looks like a happy baby cub.

"Stop now, Yoda. Put my baby cub down and you still need to practice for your comeback."

Tzuyu put the baby cub down and stretched her back. Her brown orbs landed on mine and my heart suddenly skipped a beat but she immediately avoided her gaze.

"Come on, unnies. We have a whole day to practice."

"I miss this! I miss our fans. Finally, we can see and meet ONCEs again."

I'm happy that they're coming back. I have been pushing them to do a comeback since they keep on whining about their group and their waiting fans, ONCEs.

I smiled at Dahyun every time she glances at me in the mirror. Obviously showing off her talent to dance and do aegyo at the same time.

"Focus, Dahyun!"

I looked at the owner of that deep and serious voice. Dahyun looked at Tzuyu and apologized. Tzuyu gave me a glare and looked back at the mirror.

Is she mad?

After a few hours of practice, they decided to rest. Dahyun walked towards me and I wiped the sweat in her face and in her back but she was called by the staff so she squeezed my hand gently and stood up to follow her manager.

I saw Tzuyu walked up to Mina and Chaeyoung who's obviously flirting with each other.

"Mina-unnie, can I talk to you for a second? Outside."

Mina nodded and she stood up to follow Tzuyu, outside their practice room. Nayeon-unnie walked up to me and sat beside me.

"Are you mad at Tzuyu?"

I looked at unnie, "Honestly the moment I saw her a while ago, my anger is suddenly gone and I don't know why."

"Are happy with Dahyun?"

I smiled, "Yes. Her sweet gestures and sincerity captured my heart."

She nodded, looking so sad and disappointed. I shrugged it off and went to the bathroom.

When I reached the bathroom, I immediately went to an empty cubicle. After doing my business, I fixed my pants and was about to go out of the cubicle but voices stopped my tracks.

"I hate her! I hate Dahyun! I hate myself! I can't keep this up! I can't anymore, unnie! Seeing them so happy and lovey dovey with each other, hurts me so much. It's like hammering my heart again and again until it's gone with the wind."

I heard sobbing, "Tzuyu... Just endure this and I promise you that you will be happy after this. Wait for the right time, okay?"

"B-But i-it hurts..."

"It will, Tzuyu-ya. But just wait for Momo and you can confess to her. After Momo's job, you can get her back again."

Tzuyu keep on sobbing and I can't believe that Tzuyu still has feelings for me. Is it the reason why she avoided me for the past few months?

Also, she will steal me from Dahyun? She can't do anything anymore. I love Dahyun and she loves me. We love each other that no one can separate us.

"But Tzuyu I think it's best to avoid and move on."

"You were the ones are pushing me to get Sana back to me and now you're telling me to back out and move on? No, unnie. This is my last chance and if this fails, then I won't fight destiny anymore."

A few minutes of silence and they are gone. I stepped outside the cubicle and washed my hands before I go out. When I go out of the bathroom, I suddenly bumped into someone.

I bumped into Dahyun who's looking so flustered, "Jagi? Are you okay?"

She didn't answer me and just walked passed me. I was about to follow her but someone held my wrist. I looked back and saw Tzuyu.

"Let's go home together."

"No need, Tzuyu-ya. I will wait for Da--"

"She might be staying here for a while because of... Her manager."

She was about to pull me away but I stopped her and she looked at me with sadness.

Why is she sad? Tell me, Tzuyu.

"I... I thought you're going to practice until later."

"We called it a day since Dahyun wasn't feeling great when she returned in the practice room."

I nodded and grabbed my phone from, "Okay, I'll just tex--"

"No need. The unnies are looking for here now."

Tzuyu cutted my sentence off two times. She grabbed my wrist again and gently pulled me towards the parking lot.

I hesitated a little but I saw her manager in a van which relief washed over me. While on the road, Tzuyu is texting someone and she's looking confused.

Who is she texting?

I frowned at the thought of her dating someone. I mean, she's an idol and she should not date anyone yet.

But you're also dating an idol.

Oh, right. Stupid Sana.

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